Tomorrow Onwards...

"So now that we all are present here, we should start treating our guests well like we treat others." Neil spoke out.

"You are wrong bro.. These three idiots are special than others. So we should treat them in a better way.." Henry said with a cold face..

Everyone nodded their head as Reuben said, "It is you they hurt the most Willa. So it will also be you who would start giving them their much needed retribution."

Willa looked at Reuben who patted her head and indicated her to go for it with confidence.

Smiling at him, Willa leaned towards Sam with an expressionless face and raised her hand high in the air..

*pak* *pak*

Two slaps fell on Sam's cheeks and blood started oozing out from the corner his lips. The sound was so loud that the whole big hall just vibrated with its noise...

"Do you know why I just slapped you?" Willa asked.

Sam smirked and replied, "Because I hurt you and you still love me very much.."