Deep Turmoil...

Alonzo's apartment…

Alonzo was busy in his own thoughts or more like planning few things in his mind about Veronica and Reuben's matter when his phone suddenly rang. He checked it and saw that it was none other than his long time best friend, Cole Parker..

"Hey bro.. What's up?" Alonzo asked a little bit cheerfully than other time.

"Woah.!! Am I hearing Alonzo's voice? If I am really listening to my best buddy Alonzo, then what happened to the cold guy suddenly?" Cole asked from the other side.

A smile set on his face when Alonzo heard Cole and he replied, "Nothing much dude. It's just that I finally got the courage to get my love back to me."

"What do you mean? Who is your love? Hey.!! You are not talking about the girl from years ago.. right?" Cole asked.

As Cole was Alonzo's best friend so without his family members, he also knew about Veronica though none of them knew about her identity or never had seen her..