Sister's lies over Girlfriend's truths...

Hearing the voice that he had missed for days and months, Cole's heart clenched in pain as he said, "Yeah.. It's me, Myra.."

"I know.. Why had you suddenly called me for?" Myra asked with her eyes closed while biting her soft lips..

A huge sigh escaped from Cole's mouth as he said, "To let you know the fact that I'm coming to city S very soon.."

"What? You're coming here? But why so suddenly?" Myra asked in a complete shock trance asvshe couldn't believe vat all that he could be ever coming here in near future.

But still somewhere in her heart, Myra had hoped internally that the reason of Cole's visit to S City might be her..

However her prayers to the God had failed when Cole said, "I have a business meeting to attend there in city S. That's why I'm coming."