Use their capacity into your advantage...

Diana looked at the man in front of her. He was quite smart, handsome and had a well builded body. He was surely very attractive but not at all her type...

Whereas Jack was continuosly checking her out as if he had never seen a beauty like her before, obviously except their boss's daughter and her friends who were out of his league completely...

Stretching his hands a little bit towards Diana for a handshake, Jack introduced himself, "Hello Ms. Miller.. As Mrs. Brooks said, I'm Jack Evans. You can call me by my first name Jack like others do. And last But not the least, it would be great to work with you."

Diana shook his hand said, "Pleasure is all mine Mr. Evans.."

"Okay Jack. You go ahead and inform other teammates that that their head designer is here and she'll meet them after few minutes." Mrs. Brooks said.

Jack nodded his head and left to inform his teammates.