Huge battle...

Veronica's lips rose up like a bow in happiness as she finally arrived at her another home. But uncertain to her, this one smile would turn into different kind of expressions today when she would come face to face with one of her past...

Soon, they reached in front of Lopez Industries and one after another, the four friends got out of the car..

They entered the building and saw the employees were extremely excited and happy to see them..

"They were not this much happy yesterday when we came here?" Louis muttered lowly so that only the three girls could heard him.

The girls chuckled as Lucinda said, "Its because their all time princess had visited them finally after long time. So they couldn't help but getting excited."

Veronica then smiled evilly and mocked Louis, "Are you now getting jealous Louis about the fact that I'm the one who always get the attention from the people and you are not?"