Winning and losing is a far fetched story...

"So…You meant to say that after you guys came to know about the twist made by your father regarding his properties, Frank stopped abusing you from then on as he had feared to loss the result of his long hard work by illuding your mom in his love trap... Right?" Veronica's clever mind immediately got the idea of the circumstances..

Diana slowly nodded her head agreeing with whatever Veronica presumed and clarified the whole situation, "You are right again. As soon as he came to know about my father's condition, he became angrier. But I took the chance to blackmail him and it worked. In the fear of losing the property to the orphanage, he stopped beating me, instead brainwashed my mother by lieing about me on my character...

My Mom trusted him again over me and started bashing on me. I can tolerate everything but not any questions about my character...