Luck on finding their friends...

Few seconds later, suddenly realisation dawned upon him and he yelled unbelievably, "You mean…Diana???"

Veronica gave him a lopsided grin and said, "Yes.. It's Diana…my long lost friend from city B."

As soon as Reuben got confirmation from her, he sat up like a bolt of lightning speed and looked at Veronica quizzically.

He couldn't believe on the compatibility between them. They were very much in love with each other and their heart always beats for each other but that didn't mean that even their luck on finding their friends would also work together.

Veronica saw his puzzled face and asked, "Are you not happy because of this?"

Reuben got out of his own trance and smiled broadly before speaking, "Obviously.. I'm very much happy but I just got lost out for some seconds. But I've a confusion, how have you met her after so many years and why she behaved so badly with you before?"