Actual Matchmaker...

Myra also sat beside Jack who gave her a charming smile which Myra returned with her own cute smile and obviously it also didn't go unnoticed by Cole who fisted his hand tightly in rage…

Neil looked at Willa who bowed her head down a little while blushing.

He smiled at her and circled his hands around her shoulder before saying, "We met each other via my sister Vero approximately eight years ago…

Initially, we didn't like each other at all but still were forced to meet each other because of few friendly gatherings and some other personal stuffs.."

Neil continued this story while Willa also joined him in middle telling them how they became friends, how she got betrayed by Sam..

At that moment Neil was the one who supported her the most and later their friendship turned into something more with the help of their friends.

And now they were an engaged couple who professed their love in the most uncertain way...