Hidden secret...

As soon as her eyes fell on the intruder who was none other than Reuben, she shrieked in an almost loud voice, "You.... What are you doing here?? Most specifically, why are you here??"

Reuben smirked looking at her horrified face and said, "First of all, I can come here any time I want. Secondly, the reason I came here is…"

He stopped and looked at Veronica with a serious face and put his hand on her head, slowly caressing her hair. 

Veronica also stared back at him with a amazed expression as she felt the soothing touch of Reuben's fingers in her hair which was giving her a kind of comfortable feeling as she closed her eyes to feel it more eternally.

Reuben stopped the movement of his fingers, making Veronica open her eyes as he whispered in a low voice, "I came here to.....pull your hair..."

Saying that he pulled her hair strands with a little force which made Veronica yell in utter pain, "Ahhhhhh...."