Conspiring to keep the bitches away from my man...

After one hour of their work, Veronica was all ready with her make-up as it was not at all difficult for the two beauticians to make her already beautiful face look more glamorous because Reuben's Ica was already a natural beauty with flawless skin and angelic features…

Veronica wore her dress and jewelleries and put on her heels before turning towards the beauticians who fell in awe after watching her.

"Oh My God, Ma'am!! You're looking so gorgeous and beautiful." One of them exclaimed.

"Yes, Ma'am. I've never seen someone looking so beautiful like you are." The other one said.

Veronica laughed at them and teased, "Stop over exaggerating. You have said this to me every time you did a make over of me."

The beauticians also smiled and said, "No, Ma'am. We are not at all exaggerating. You're seriously looking beyond beautiful."