Cry over your false alarms...

Grandmother Brown whose eyes never left Veronica from the start of the party, slowly walked towards her and asked in a shaky voice, "Do you now remember this old lady, my child?"

Veronica looked at the wrinkled lady who still had an elegance in her posture even in her old age and smiled at her genuinely before saying, "Yes, grandma. Now I remember you. I hope you're doing well."

"Yes, my child. I'm fine." Grandma Brown returned the smile as Alonzo held her shoulder tightly.

Myra too came to her family and side-hugged her grandmother when Veronica said, "Wait grandma. Let me introduce you to my fiance."

"Honey, she is Myra's grandmother. Remember, I told you about meeting her in city B. We even met her at Brown Corporation's inauguration party. " Veronica said as she purposefully omitted to take Alonzo's name in her mouth.