Good news of our lives...

"What do you mean? Who forced you to do so?" This time Alonzo snapped his head towards his father.

"It was Frank Howard.. He was the one who forced me to do this." Mr. Brown said while crying his heart out.

"Frank Howard? The one from country Z?" Lisa asked with a frown on her face.

Mr. Brown nodded his head and said, "Yes.. He is the only one who was capable to order me around."

Suddenly a gasp left from Lisa's mouth when she listened to him and her mouth opened slightly to take a few rounds of deep breath.

Diana too was shocked to hear it as she said, "That's mean my mother's so called husband Frank is way more worse than we thought. He is really the biggest bastard of the world.!!"

Reuben nodded and then turned his face towards Rachel and said, "Now it's your turn to complete the next part of the story. Tell us what Mike had asked you to do and at what expense?"