Dangerous planning...

Few days later….

In a luxurious hotel room…

A man in his middle age was opening his shirt button by one hand while his other hand was holding the phone near his ear as he was talking to someone.

"I've already arrived in city S. I hope you guys know how to protect everything there. As I'm not in country Z anymore, Jasmine will again try to run away...

Though she's not anymore strong and energetic like before but we still can't take any chance over her. So keep an eye on her always." Frank said to one of his most trusted bodyguards.

The bodyguard nodded his head from the other side though Frank couldn't be able to see him and replied, "Don't worry, boss. We'll take care of her."

"Hmm.. Good. If any kind of problems occur, don't disturb me in middle as I'll be busy in handling the contract signing for our new project with Creation...