Leaving her parents...

Reuben and Veronica truly DESERVED each other because their love had crossed all the boundaries and set a parameter for everyone to look upon in future, as the REUNIC couple that they were…

The song ended but the couple were still busy in themselves, absorbing the new feeling of love as a married couple..

Their eyes were still locked with each other, conversing their feelings while exchanging those big particles of emotions through those dark brown and grey orbs of them..

An ear piercing clapping sound made the couple finally come out of their beautiful fairly land.

They turned towards all of their guests and thanked them wholeheartedly while beaming brightly like a sunflower in daylight..

"So, can I have a dance with my princess now?" Veronica's father asked her with a smile which she returned with her own.

But before she could even say yes, Reuben's father immediately snapped at him, "Hey! She's going to dance with me. You move from here.."