Replica of our love...

Few hours later...

Hospital delivery room...

"Mrs. Smith.. Give a hard push.." The doctor said.

"Aaahhhhhh!" Veronica yelled in pain as she tried to push her best but to no avail.

Reuben who had already started crying, seeing his wife's pain, couldn't afford to feel even a little bit of sting although his hands were getting scratched mercilessly by his wife's sharp nails as she kept holding his wrists tightly..

"Yes baby, push a little bit more. You can do it." Reuben continued to encourage her as he knew, what the most she needed right now was his emotional support..

Veronica glared at him angrily while trying to push and shouted at him angrily, "You are never going to touch me again, you idiot!"

Reuben literally shivered at the thought of not able to touch her but soon shook those stupid imaginations away from his head and focused on his already raging wife.