
After work Janet goes to look at an apartment and the owner tells her that a very frugal young man lives in the rooftop apartment. Janet goes up to look around and she finds the young man was mending the button on his suit ...Vivan.

Vivan is shock to see her and accuses her of stalking him, and angrily admits that he only owns one suit. She says that she is just house hunting and after he recovers from the shock ,Vivan tells her that if she ruins his good image at work he won't let it slide.

Janet promise not to tell but she is curious how he wasn't missing a button when she saw one fall off his suit. Vivan shows her the jar of buttons he keeps in case of emergency. Haa

After the bus trip Denise lead Austin to her favourite for dinner. He looks at the tiny hole-in-the-wall joint but he is determined to do things her way today, so he sits awkwardly while Denise grills the meat.

She tells him that she used to come here all the time with her father and sisters because it was cheap. He asks about her father she notes that he is asking her a lot of questions, which is unlike him.

Denise says her Dad is a guitarist in a band, Austin remember that she began working so young because her father got scammed while running an instrument store. Denise says her father tried to work construction after that but he was injured then he borrow money from loan shark to make big investment, but it failed.

She says those things happen because he forced himself into roles that didn't fit but that know he is doing what he wants and even her sisters have achieved their dream. Austin ask if here family make her work but she says they didn't make her go to work on purpose.

Austin says that people says it's noble to sacrifice yourself for others, but that it's really not, because you can lose yourself by sacrificing . He concludes that the most important thing is to be her own top priority.

Denise chuckles that Austin narcissist advice is actually comforting. He joking objects to being called narcissist then takes the meat and cook it and says this is her holiday so he is going to do the work today.

After dinner , Denise spots a claw machine filled with stuffed animals and Austin recalls her questionnaire answer that she wants to get a stuffed doll from a guy she likes. She tries to win a doll several times while Austin gets frustrated and he ends up shove her out of the way so he can try.

He confidently says that he figured out the trick while watching her... and fails anyway. He tries over and over losing each time until he decides to just buy the whole machine . How much is this ??? Denise has to drag him away.

At the end of the night , Neither of them seems eager to end the evening, and they stand for a long time just smiling at each other.