Don't go .

When they leave they find Austin leaning outside the car in front of restaurant. Austin says that Denise forgot about an important appointment. She argues that Janet was going to attend but he says it's her job. Denise gets inside the car so Austin and Aidan can Speak alone.

He tells Aidan plainly " Don't see Kim Denise anymore ". Aidan angrily says not to interfere in their business but Austin says that he has more right to have "our business " matters with Denise since they worked together for nine years.

Aidan mockingly says that Denise looked for him for nine years which means they are destined for each other. Austin scoffs that Aidan sounds like he is writing another novel and can write lines.

On the way to the meeting Denise says she and Aidan are going to the old redevelopment district after work tomorrow to try and remember their memory of what happened. Hearing that Austin tells her not to go practically begging, but Denise says she really wants to go.

Back at the office Vivan sees Janet and Sara laughing together again. when Sara looks away Vivan glares at Janet and give her a " zip up" gesture again. Seeing Vivan Sara invites Vivan to a workshop their office is holding this weekend, Vivan declines.

Team leader Jung wander by says to Vivan " I heard that you last only a week with 'that " Vivan freaks out and accuses Janet for telling everyone his secret (about only owing one suit) but Team leader Jung said he didn't hear anything that should be a secret from her.

Confused Vivan ask what he is talking about , so Team leader Jung says he meant the ginseng juice his mother sent to help him work hard. Vivan laughs that of course he meant the juice , then he suddenly decides to attend their workshop, probably to make sure Janet doesn't talk about his secret.

At the end of the day Austin speaks to Denise about going to find memories with her dear old friend. He tries to order her not to go through pleading "Don't go , don't go" in his head but of course she goes. When he is alone Austin grumpy that she should be putting more effort into making memories with him.

Austin cancel his dinner meeting to go gym with Nathan . As there are leaving the office Nathan sees Aidan picking up Denise and see Austin beside him looking at him. he claps a hand over Austin eyes. Asking what Nathan holds his laugh desperately while Austin threatens to fire him and gets inside the car .

As Denise and Aidan walks around the development area nearest where Denise used to live Aidan tells Denise that the women who kidnapped them was the mistress of a married man , and she had an abortion then broken up with, so she kidnapped them in angry.

He asks if she recalls how they escaped the house but all she remember is holding hands as he walked her home. Aidan doesn't remember walking her home or what she called him back then. She says she called him " oppa" he asks if she would call him that now .

At Austin side he takes his frustrations out on punching nag but it's not enough so he asks Austin to fight with him . During the break Nathan ask if he is upset. Austin says there is something he doesn't want taken away from him. Nathan ask if it's about Denise but he says no. Nathan snaps at him to stop making up stories , admits the truth like a man, and go confess to Denise.