sexual dysfunction

Janet comes to take the fan when a passerby tell her that the guy in the rooftop apartment took the fan so she storms upstairs to find him already using it while he works. Vivan tries to blame her for leaving it in the street but Janet snaps that she was just moving her things in and takes her fan back.

At night dinner time Janet settling in for a nice dinner of Chinese dilveery when a knock on the door reveals Vivan holding out a bag with five cheery tomatoes. He says he carefully raised them like his own children adorably he says they are apologies and a welcome gift .

Janet wounder if she was to hard on him when she goes back for dinner she remember Vivan saying she should share her delivery food with him to avoid waste. She takes half of her food dinner upstairs for him where he let's her know he prefers shrimp (prawn )next time. Annoyed Janet tries to takes the food back and they fight pull and push plate game.


Denise at home depressed because she hasn't heard from Austin so she is shocked to find him at her door. Austin struggles to think of what to say until a voice yells "I have a package for you !" and Austin blurts, "I have a package for you !"

Austin sees that kimchi and he grabs the opening and says it would go well with the grilled meat he brought from her favourite place. She thanks him for not burning the meat . she thanks him not just for the food but fo coming here because she was missing him.

He feels so touch that his head his down shyly but he gather his courage to ask why she's so rational at work. Denise says that as the secretary she has to be extra careful but apologies for making him feel bad. Austin says she should call her oppa as compensation as Denise nearly spot out her drink. He waits eagerly but can't make herself call him oppa.

Denise sister knock on the door she gets shock while Austin is ready to meet her family and announce their dating. But Denise shoves him inside her cupboard he tris to pull back but Denise tells him he is her boyfriend and shuts the door on his face.

Denise hides his shoes just as her sisters let herself in as the bought meal for her. Jessica noticed two plates immediately guessing that Austin was here again and poor Austin listen to them bad mouthing him.

Denise tries to defend fo him but her sisters aren't impressed that he brought grilled meat and not something nicer. They not to date him in dreams also since they are from different classes and because he is so narcissist and selfish.

While they were talking to Denise Austin starts to swear and shake for being stuck in such small place. He snaps out of it for a second when her sister mention his "sexual dysfunction " he even glare down at his own lap in surprise. Hee