Past (3)

Austin if you are talking about You industries then that's a Yuli Group subsidiary company.

Denise sunsa what? what's that can you eat it?.

Austin thinks she is a true idiot. he tells the company makes barbie sweet home belongs to us. Denise in dazed then do you have a lot of Barbie sweet home sets? like more than ten of them? Austin ten doesn't even come close. There are a lot more than that since they all made in a factory. ..

Denise eyes glisten and sparkle after hearing she starts to climbs on him Promise me !Promise you will marry Denise! !

Austin turns his face No way . Denise in shocked why not ? Austin you should marry some one you love when you're grown up! you can't get married unless you fall in love.

Denise determined said then you can fall in love with me when you grown up!

Austin "....." alright fine. we can.

Denise happy heehee It's a promise !

Austin tells her to hurry up and get inside . I will visit you again soon. Denise you mean it. You will really come play with me again ?

Austin ok promise . Denise okay bye Oppa.

She gets inside her house and Austin stammers and walk as his ankle are hurt.

when he see a vision of Auntie standing behind him he runs as fast as he can. He ends up at the police station and collapse due to exhaustion.

He wakes up later in the hospital his parents by his side but he already suffering flashback of his kidnapping bolts upright screaming.

Mr and Mrs Young tries to clam him they call the doctor they give him injection to sleep he think of how what happen to him before the kidnapping.

This all happen after I feel for my brother trick. We were walking together after school when he told me there is an park here. I told him there wasn't a theme park there. But Aidan told that it's just a little bit further. Jack said he saw it. He said they already finished building the roller coaster.

Austin get tried and say 'I told you he was lying. Dad said they still in the process of buying the land here. I'm going home. I'm tired and thirsty.

Aidan "What? Are you scared now after running away from our driver? Oh.. that rights . This is the first time you been outside like this. Because your a little chicken.

Austin get annoyed ' I told you that not true? whatever. Let's me have some water if you have any.

Aidan I cleared out my bag before we left school. Austin shouts Aw.. what I have been thirsty for a while already.