Let me welcome you.

After work Austin and Denise drives away together. Austin tells them that they have work to do at his house.... something they could not finish last night.....

Denise thinks something they could not finish ?...!!!! You should not say that sexy things when going home after work.

Austin - It is not sexy thing, I can tell it to you sexiest. ...Hot night! Passionate night! sexy night!

Denise tries to shush him.

Austin - the sexiest thing is....I love you.

He holds her hand and looks at her them tell her I love you. They drive off smiling.

Janet apartment.

Janet walks out of her apartment and thinks that she has no more food and she doesn't want to eat alone. Then she sees Vivan walking to their building. Janet ask him that he was working he says he lied to everyone about working late because they would make him pay for his welcome party. Janet ask him if he would like to have a welcome party with just to two of them ? She will buy his drinks.

Vivan says it okay when someone buys him food, hw will feel the need to buy it for them. He does not want to be in that circle. He starts to walk by but she pulls him and tells him, LET ME WELCOME YOU. Then she drags him to go eat with her.

In the car, Just before they get to Austin house Denise gets an emergency call from her father. He is in hospital with tendon injury that he got while stage diving during a concert.

Denise tells Austin that her father is fine but she will have to say with him overnight . He offers to say with her and meet her dad, but she says it's not a good time and he must be tired after his long flight anyway.

In the cafe.

Vivan and Janet drink out at his 2 person welcome party. Vivan enjoys his free meal and gets a little drunk. She tells him to stop drinking but he says he can't stop drinking because it is so delicious. Vivan tells her he never had like this expensive meal with this drink . He will wait all year to drink this on his birthday. Janet thinks that it's strange. She asks him a question. You got promoted the quickest and get the most bonus money so why are you so cheap like this? he smiles and says that is his secret.

Janet ask why you have one pair of clothing and live on the roof. Why do you hide it? He say it is something that people can pick on. Vivan explains that when he was young, he thought that everyone lived in a tiny apartment like his family, and he was never ashamed, because they were happy. But as he got older people made me ashamed, because they couldn't even give me compliment about my good grades or good job without tacking on "...despite my family circumstances. " I can do better.

Vivan says his goal is to save a lot of money to buy a big house so that his future wife and children never have to hear such things . He reveals that he saved up to a about hundred thousand U.S dollar and Janet what ? she asks how he managed it in only four years with the company. He tells her that he spends very little and invest in stocks and that when he has a family then he will enjoy spending what he is earned.