Making up with Dad 2

Denise whisper to Austin that it's still to early to introduce Austin to her dad. Austin ignore her and say in his best formal behaviour while Dad says that Austin spend nine years overworking Denise. He does thank Austin for getting him a VIP room the he credits it to Denise years of hard work.

Despite Denise pleading expression Austin tells Dad that they are dating Dad freaks out in furiously. What !!! he marches over to Austin with his crippled leg and says this is that guy that you are dating ! Denise asks him why he is talking like this. Dad says he opposed this union. Everyone goes quit.

Denise gets a call at the moment. She gives the phone to Austin. He stands up slowly and heads out.

Denise ask dad why is he opposing their relationship. Dad says is all like, I am making it hard for him. I am on your side having Austin is great but I know those people when they have opposition they want to get it more. He will be more into you now. Denise is all like, what are you talking dad ?

Austin comes back . Dad asks him if he would like to have a vending machine coffee? they head out.

Austin and Denise dad sits on a bench outside. Dad asks How much do you know about my Denise? Austin says that they know each other for 9 years so he knows a lot. Dad says that his Denise never complains ever since she was a little she is aways number one, she is always happy even though she had her sisters clothes to wear and she goes to school on a scholarship but she said she would make money.

I was embarrassed and crying because I lose all my money but you know what she told me ? It's okay Dad , she was smiling when she told me that. How sad must she have been to smile and say that. Whenever I see her smiling like that it hurts my feelings in the corner of my heart. so when she smiles don't trust her smile. She smiles in any hard moment and endures it.