Dating secretly.

Austin goes to Nathan office and tells him he has to propose Denise soon. Nathan says that all he has to do is rent a restaurant and buy a fancy champagne, but Austin says he already done it and it failed .

Nathan gives another idea of renting a amusement park and suggest to do fire work and it's sudden proposal how is it .Austin says he has already done it.

Austin ask Nathan how did you propose your wife , hoping for a inspiration. Nathan tells him my proposal was most romatic I proposed her under Eiffel Tower in Paris. but Austin thinks is that proposed romatic ? You propose under a steel building. Nathan says You don't know things. romantic mood of Paris You want to love. The mood Sophie, you are shinier than the Eiffel Tower , can you shine with me....And she said yes. Austin says Exwife yay exwife!

Austin ask you did that , but she is not shinning next to you. Nathan angrily says yay anyway a romantic place is better Ahh. ..I want to see Sophie after taking about this.

Austin thinks the idea doesn't looks nice as his marriage didn't last. Austin goes out of his office and thinks he should think of another romantic spot ....Las Vegas and he plans the whole trip himself.

While in the office Sara is making copies , John sends the copy machine a command to print "I love you" . Sara smiles and loudly announced she is going to the roof for fresh air. John also makes an excuse that he has to call his mother and leaves. The other think they are sneaky but the whole department know they are dating secretly.

They notice that Vivan is the only one who is not interested in office gossip Team leader Jung ask him if he is dating someone . Janet looks at him when he says that he is dating.....his work.

Austin calls Denise in his office and tells her to cancel all the appointment of next week, because he is taking her to Vegas. Denise tells firmly there is no way he can leave work plus it would only make the gossip about them worse.

Denise tells him she is going out with Sara and Janet today to have a girls dinner. Austin puff his cheeks and says I don't care when he obviously cares very much that his proposal plans just got shot down.