You were cute.

At office.

Denise gets to work and slowly walks into the lobby. She see Sara and Janet who are super concerned about their future. They made a big mistake with Vice president. Sara tells I took Vice president wallet and watch! Will be fired. What should we do ooo ooo.

Sara and Janet goes to Austin office and apologies and gives him his wallet and watch . Austin tells them that it's okay. If you had a nice time then it is enough. But.....once is enough.

They agrees and leaves relieved. They come out of his office and tells Denise he was not too angry , but he told them that she should come in as well. Denise is like , me????? She looks at his office. Austin points at her and signals her to come in.

Denise goes inside hesitatingly . Austin is sitting on his couch and tells her to sit down . She does as he says. Denise ask what is this ? This is hang over soup drink it.

Denise bows her head and drinks it and then looks away. She thinks the situation is completely flipped from last time.

Denise tells I was sometimes uncomfortable that I am so perfect. So I was worried that it would make you feel relaxed. As you said making mistakes and showing a little is okay right?

Austin tells you should from now on control yourself. Denise says okay because I am a secretary. Austin says No because you are my women. I am worried that you will hurt your health. Eat first please. She smiles and eats he waits for her to finish. She thanks him . when Denise stands to leave Austin said one more thing Denise you were cute when you are drunk , I will never forget it.

Break room .

Janet goes to the break room and drinks some water. She looks at the door. Vivan ask her if she is okay , it looks like you drunk a lot. Janet ask Vivan how he know it. Vivan tells her you sent a video to my phone.

But she did not remember that . Vivan tells her not to worry about it. But she grabs his phone and tells him that she wants to see it.