

This auxiliary chapter is intended to clarify how skill/abilities/magic work. It will also show the effects of said skills/abilities/magic as they progress in level and grade. Some important things to take note of are that Skills are generally passive in nature. They also provide bonus attributes per level. As for Abilities, they are actives that generally provide flat increases to attributes at certain levels. This also applies to Magic, though many would increase the available SP of the user when they reach certain thresholds.

One thing to keep in mind is that a person cannot have more Skills than they have Levels, with the sole exception of the [Kinu Comprehension] Skill. Also, a person is limited to 5~10 active Abilities and 5~10 Magic spells depending on their Blessing. It is possible to seal Abilities and Magic to make room for others but it requires a special item or Blessing. Because of this, people are generally stuck filling a specific role, at least until they are strong enough to break through such limitations.

Without further ado, here are the current Skills/Abilities/Magic that have been revealed thus far~


[Aura Master]

Passive: Allows the user to convert Health and SP into an aura that greatly amplifies Strength, Constitution, and Agility. (+3 Str, +5 Con, +1 Agi Per Level. Additional 10% bonus to Str/Con/Agi every ten Levels.)

LV20: Increases Health by 20%. Bonus increased to 15%.

LV50: Increases Health by 50%. Bonuse increased to 20%.


Passive: Increases Strength by 20%. (+2 Str per Level)

LV20: Bonus increased to 30%. (+3 Str per Level)

LV50: Bonus increased to 50%. (+5 Str per Level)

[Herculean Strength]

Passive: Increases Strength by 20%. Attacks generate shockwaves. (+2 Str per Level)

LV20: Bonus increased to 30%. Shockwave range increased to 5m. (+3 Str per Level)

LV50: Bonus increased to 50%. Shockwave range increased to 10m. (+5 Str per Level)


Passive: Increases Constitution by 20%. (+2 Con per Level)

LV20: Bonus increased to 30%. (+3 Con per Level)

LV50: Bonus increased to 50%. (+5 Con per Level)

[Vital Spirit]

Passive: Increases Constitution by 20%. Increases Health Regeneration by 10%. (+2 Con per Level)

LV20: Bonus increased to 30%. Increases Health Regeneration by 15%. (+3 Con per Level)

LV50: Bonus increased to 50%. Increased Health Regeneration by 25%. (+5 Con per Level)


Passive: Increases Agility by 20%. (+2 Agi per Level)

LV20: Bonus increased to 30%. (+3 Agi per Level)

LV50: Bonus increased to 50%. (+5 Agi per Level)


Passive: Increases Intelligence by 20%. (+2 Int per Level)

LV20: Bonus increased to 30%. (+3 Int per Level)

LV50: Bonus increased to 50%. (+5 Int per Level)


Passive: Increases Intelligence by 20%. Increase SP regeneration in Critical Health state by 10% (+2 Int per Level)

LV20: Bonus increased to 30%. Increase SP regeneration in Critical Health state by 15% (+3 Int per Level)

LV50: Bonus increased to 50%. Increase SP regeneration in Critical Health state by 25% (+5 Int per Level)


Passive: Increases Intelligence by 20%. Reduces cost of all Magic by 5% (+2 Int per Level)

LV20: Bonus increased to 30%. Reduces cost of all Magic by 10% (+3 Int per Level)

LV50: Bonus increased to 50%. Reduces cost of all Magic by 15% (+5 Int per Level)

[Heroic Spirit]

Passive: Increases Spirit by 10%. (+1 Spi per Level)

LV20: Bonus increased to 15%. (+2 Spi per Level)

LV50: Bonus increased to 25%. (+3 Spi per Level)

[Martial Arts]

Passive: Familiarity with hand to closer quarters combat.

LV20: Small chance to ignore defense when attacking. +1 Dex per Level

LV50: Moderate chance to ignore defense when attacking. +2 Dex per Level


Passive: Familiarity with creating items using various techniques.

LV20: Moderate increase to success rate of crafting. Improve durability of items by 10%.

LV50: Large increase to success rate of crafting. Improve durability of items by 50%.


Passive: Familiarity with transactions and negotiations.

LV20: Increases the chances of bartering based on Wisdom and Charisma. +1 Wis per Level

LV50: Allows the user to mentally pressure the target to secure better deals. + 1 Wis, + 1 Cha per Level

[Flexibile Body]

Passive: General flexibility and balance of the body.

LV20: Improves spatial awareness. +1 Dex per Level

LV50: Allows the bones to bend slightly without breaking. +3 Dex per Level


Passive: Familiarity with forms and evasive footwork.

LV20: Improves spatial awareness. +1 Dex per Level

LV50: Inutitive ability to sense enemy attacks within 10m. +3 Dex per Level

[Iron Stomach]

Passive: The ability to eat anything, regardless of taste or texture.

LV20: Moderate resistance to poison ingested. +1 Con per Level

LV50: Basic immunity to most poisons and parasites ingested. +3 Con per Level

[Abnormal Status Resistance]

Passive: The ability to resist and recover from Abnormal Status effects.

LV20: Reduces the efficacy of Abnormal Statuses by 10%. +1 Con per Level

LV50: Chance to completely remove an Abnormal Status every 60 seconds. +3 Con per Level


Passive: The ability to focus and comprehend new information.

LV20: Removes eye strain when reading texts for long periods of time. +1 Int per Level

LV50: Allows you to convey information properly to other people. +1 Int, +2 Wis per Level


Passive: The ability to mix together various materials to form a solution.

LV20: Increases efficacy of mixed solutions by 15%. +1 Dex per Level

LV50: Increases efficacy of mixed solutions by 35%. +1 Dex, +1 Int per Level


Passive: The ability to compartmentalize and recall information.

LV20: Greatly increases retention of new information. +1 Wis per Level

LV50: Allow perfect recall with a period dictated by Skill Level. +3 Wis per Level


Passive: The ability to sketch and draw what is seen and imagined.

LV20: Improves understanding of geometic shapes and blocking. +1 Dex per level

LV50: Greatly increases drawing speed. +3 Dex per Level


Passive: The ability to apply paint to a surface in order to form an image.

LV20: Improves comprehension of colors and perspective. +1 Dex per Level

LV50: Allows the user to paint photo-realistic images. +2 Dex, +1 Spi per Level


Passive: The ability to perceive concealed foes and detect hidden life forms.

LV20: Range extended to 50m. +1 Wis per Level

LV50: Range extended to 500m. +3 Wis per Level

[Knife Mastery]

Passive: Familiarity and skill with knives and daggers.

LV20: Small chance to ignore defense when attacking with knives and daggers. +1 Dex per Level

LV50: Allows the user to wield a knife or dagger in both hands with proficiency. +2 Dex per Level

[Trap Set]

Passive: Familiarity with setting traps.

LV20: Increases efficacy of traps and decreased likliehood of being discovered. +1 Dex per Level

LV50: When a trap set by the user is triggered, they have instinctual knowlege of it. +2 Dex, +1 Wis per Level

[Trap Disarm]

Passive: Familiarity with detecting and disarming traps.

LV20: Allows the user to sense when a trap is near. Efficacy based on Int, Wis, and Luk. +1 Dex per Level

LV50: Traps below the Skill level of the user seem to glow slightly. +2 Dex per Level


Passive: Surprise attacks deal guaranteed critical damage with a moderate chance to cripple the target. (+1 Agi, +1 Dex, per Level. Increased damage from all sources after failed Assassination.)

LV20: Surprise attacks deal triple damage and cause 'Severe Bleeding' to the target. +1 Agi, +1 Dex per Level

LV50: Surprise attacks have a chance of dealing explosive damage based on Dexterity and Luck. +2 Agi, +2 Dex per Level

[Pain Tolerance]

Passive: Ability to resist spontaneous and persistent pain while remaining clear-headed.

LV20: Further increases resistance to pain. +1 Con per Level.

LV50: Pain beneath a certain threshold has no affect on the user. +2 Con per Level


Passive: Increases accuracy when throwing weapons and other items.

LV20: Increases accuracy up to 20m. +1 Dex per Level

LV50: Increases accuracy up to 50m. +2 Dex per Level


Passive: Able to navigate terrain quickly and agilely without losing balance.

LV20: Increases reaction time and enhances the ability to see clearly while moving at high speeds. +1 Agi per Level

LV50: Greatly increases balance and spatial awareness. +2 Agi per Level, +1 Dex per Level

[Sense Danger]

Passive: Able to identify threats through intuition.

LV20: Range increased to 50m. +1 Wis per Level

LV50: Range increased to 100m. +2 Wis per Level

[Barrier Master]

Passive: Allows the user to manifest their Soul Power and give it physical form. (+3 Int, +3 Wis, +2 Spi per Level. Additional 10% bonus to Int/Wis/Spi.)

LV20: Bonus increased to 15%

LV50: Bonus increased to 30%

[Gravity Rule]

Passive: Allows the user to control the weight of objects and increase the gravity in a given area. (+3 Int, +3 Wis, +2 Spi per Level. Additional 10% bonus to Int/Wis/Spi.)

LV20: Bonus increased to 15%

LV50: Bonus increased to 30%


Passive: The ability to make a target see you in a positive light.

LV20: Greatly increases the efficacy of this Skill against members of the opposite sex. +1 Cha per Level

LV50: Able to charm animals and monsters dependent on Charisma and Luck. +2 Cha per Level


[Strength Amplification]

Cost: 100 SP every 10 Seconds.

Active: Increases Strength by 20% for 10 Seconds.

LV20: +1 Str

LV50: +5 Str

[Body Hardening]

Cost: 200 SP

Active: Hardens the body with a protective coating. Greatly reduces mobility.

LV20: +1 Con

LV50: +5 Con

[Aura Pulse]

Cost: 100 Health, 20 SP

Active: Send a pulse of aura to attack an enemy, causing internal damage and ignoring 15% of physical defense.

LV20: Increases Health by Skill Level*10. +1 Con

LV50: Allows the user to compress several [Aura Pulse] into a single attack. +5 Con

[Aura Blade]

Cost: 200 Health, 50 SP per meter

Active: Creates a blade of aura to attack an enemy. Ignores 50% of physical defense.

LV20: Increases Health by Skill Level*10. +1 Con

LV50: Allows the user to project blades from a surface by infusing their energy into the target. +5 Con


Cost: 20~100

Active: Allows the user to steal an item from a target's equipment slots or inventory. Success rate dependent on SKill Level, Dexterity, and Luck.

LV20: +1 Luck

LV50: +5 Luck


Cost: 10 SP per minute

Active: Allows the user to blend into the shadows and dull the sound of their footsteps.

LV20: Decreases the likliehood of activating pressure-sensitive traps. +1 Dex

LV50: Grants temporary invisibility for 3 seconds after cast. +5 Dex

[Night Vision]

Cost: 50 SP

Duation: 5 minutes

Active: Greatly increases sensitivity to light, allowing the user to see in the dark.

LV20: Prevents temporary blindness from excessive light.

LV50: Duration increased to 10 minutes.


Cost: 50 SP per second

Active: Increases the efficacy and range of Magic by 10% for every second channeled.

LV20: Allows the user to double the efficacy of any Magic once per day without cost. +1 Int

LV50: Increases efficacy and range by 15% for every second channeled.

[Blessing of Night]

Cost: 0 SP

Active: Attributes increased by 10% at night. Attributes reduced by 10% during the day.

LV20: SP Regeneration increased by 20% when exposed to direct moonlight. +1 Cha

LV50: Ingesting blood increases Health and SP Regeneration by a large amount. +3 Cha



Cost: 20~40 SP

Active: Empower a single physical attribute by 10%

LV20: Increases boost by 5%

LV50: Increases boost by 10%


Cost: Variable(Cost dependent on the size and durability of the barrier. Base: 50SP)

Active: Create a barrier that is able to defend against both physical and magical attacks.

LV20: Increases Total SP by Skill Level*10. +1 Int

LV50: Range increased by 50m. Maximum size increased to 10m. +5 Int

[Barrier Aura]

Cost: 10 SP per minute. Additional cost dependent on amount of damage sustained.

Active: Create a membrane to protect the body from both physical and magical attacks.

LV20: Increases total SP by Skill Level*10. +2 Wis, +1 Con

LV50: Range Increased by 50m. Able to cast on multiple targets. +5 Wis, +3 Con

[Weight Manipulation]

Cost: 10-1000 SP per minute.

Active: Increases or reduces the weight of an object by 10-1000%

LV20: Reduces the cost per minute to half. Increases SP by Skill Level*10. +1 Wis

LV50: Range increased to 10m. Can influence multiple objects at a time. +5 Wis, +1 Spi


Cost: 200 every 10 seconds.

Active: Spontaneously increases the gravity within an area by 10x. Requires the hands to be brought together to activate.

LV20: Increases Total SP by Skill Level*10. +1 Int

LV50: Maximum gravitational threshold increased to 50x. Range inceased to 50m. Size increased to 10m in diameter. +5 Int