
An Uncommon Species

With more than fifteen-hundred base species, animalistic traits like tails, ears, or even wings, were not that uncommon within the planar world of Lumen. There was even an entire subset of people known as Demibeasts due to the fact they often had a real-world counterpart in the form of some kind of mammal.

Among the better-known Demibeasts, the Vanargandr were very near the top as, while they were not the most powerful, they were rather unique amongst the other tribes.

Unlike the vast majority of people that called Lumen home, the Vanargandr had separated from the common sense of the world.

Rather than congregate around the Tower, the Vanargandr were one of the nomadic species that had ventured toward the endless horizon innumerable generations ago. As a result, they were rarely seen outside of the Tower and, while tales of their existence had been passed down from word of mouth, it was nearly impossible to find a single Vanargandr within the Megacity and surrounding slums.

This, however, wasn't the most interesting fact about the Vanargandr as, while they may not be the strongest race by default, they had incredible potential.

While most other tribes could go for increasingly long periods of time without eating, especially with high Constitution, the Vanargandr tribe were one of the few exceptions. They required sustenance or they would experience a significant reduction in their attributes. Inversely, the more they consumed, the stronger they would become.

This inherent ability was wholly dependant on how much they had eaten so, while it may seem like an incredibly powerful boon, it was only temporary. What was more important was the fact that, as a failsafe of sorts against starvation, the Vanargandr tribe was able to eat virtually anything, even solid metal, to sustain themselves.

Linnaeus may not realize the implications of picking up a Vanargandr but Eliza couldn't help but feel as if they had just acquired a major liability. Keeping the woman fed would be a major undertaking and, even if they could pull it off, there were a variety of complications associated with doing so.

Unfortunately, they had already accepted Emilia into the Party so, while she had inhibitions, Eliza just smiled knowingly while Linnaeus perused the woman's Status. He was the type to analyze things on the spot so, while his guard hadn't really been lowered, it looked like he had spaced out for a brief moment...



Name: Emilia Starseeker

Title: Gluttonous Fledgling(+3 Con, +2 Spi, +1 Luk per Level)

Race: Vanargandr

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Level: 25

Health: 4260/4260

Soul Power: 2573/2573

Strength: 79

Constitution: 142+71

Agility: 138+69

Dexterity: 103+30.9

Intelligence: 51+23.3

Wisdom: 48+14.4

Spirit: 60+21

Charisma: 23

Luck: 20

Free Attributes: 0

Skills: [Kinu Comprehension:(-)], [*Phase Master(Water):LV52*], [Spirit of Gluttony:LV55], [Healthy:LV20], [Vital Spirit:LV13], [Fleet-Footed:LV28], [Swift: Lv16], [Nimble Fingers:LV23], [Sense Danger:LV44], [Martial Arts:LV38], [Spear Mastery:LV41], [Hunting:LV53], [Acrobatics:LV51], [Presence Concealment:LV39], [Dismantling:LV51], [Cooking:LV11], [Taste:LV53], [Trap Set:LV51], [Trap Disarm:LV51], [Flexible Body:LV35], [Footwork:LV29], [Perception:LV28]

Abilities: [Night Vision:LV51], [Enhanced Hearing:LV51], [Olfactory Sense:LV51]

Magic: [Create Water:LV51], [Phase Change:LV51]


Emilia was an example of someone who, despite having a Blessing related to Magic, didn't diverge from her original path. Since she was from a nomadic tribe of hunters and gatherers, her Blessing was secondary to everything else as, with no real enemies to face, it didn't particularly matter how strong you were. Rather, as a tribe ruled by a matriarch, the females had the duty of hunting while the males often took care of the caravan processing goods for consumption.

Linnaeus knew nothing about this but, seeing Emilia's Status, he couldn't help comparing her to himself as they were nearly the same Level. From this, he could tell that she actually had a much stronger foundation than even himself and Eliza.

Despite appearing relatively weak at a glance, it could be seen from Emilia's Status that she was not even remotely powerless. Rather, she was quite obviously a hunter and, though Eliza would win most certainly win in a battle, it was apparent that Emilia was the more talented between them. This was likely due to the fact that she spent her entire childhood hunting while people like Eliza, even with all the benefits of belonging to one of the Eight Heavenly Families, spent most of her time focusing on theory and living a relatively stress-free lifestyle.

Though he couldn't be certain, Linnaeus could tell from the comparison between himself, Ryuuna, Eliza, Krone, and now Emilia that practical experience could surpass given benefits. This affirmed the notion that, if you worked hard, the Akashic System would reward your efforts. Those that were born into status and wealth often had a significant advantage early on but, if you could tide through the lower Levels, it was becoming increasingly apparent that the gap could not only be closed, but overcome entirely.

At this point, Linnaeus' primary regret was that he hadn't put any focus into his Constitution as, with Emilia as another example, he was beginning to feel a little anxious about his pathetically low Health. While his SP could be considered a secondary Health pool, it was also his primary method of dealing with enemies so he needed to find a solution before it became an even bigger issue.

Deciding to shelve the matter, as there were more pressing things to attend, Linnaeus broke from his momentary reverie, stating, "It seems you are even more suited to the position of Scout than I am. I won't go back on my previous words but, depending on the circumstances, I may request that you help conduct reconnaissance with me. Having a second set of eyes and ears will be a tremendous boon when we have multiple enemies to case."

Hearing Linnaeus' remark, Emilia's ears twitched slightly before she suddenly smiled and said, "I'm good at hunting and scouting. Tracking people is a little harder but I'm usually able to avoid giving myself away...actually, I'm surprised you managed to track me without my notice. How did you find my hut...?"

Knowing she had seen his own Status, Linnaeus didn't bother beating around the bush as he calmly stated, "I discovered you more than a month ago. I may not be able to measure up to you when it comes to hunting but, when it comes to casing people and locations, I have complete confidence in my abilities. I've already dealt with people that have powerful senses so it isn't simple to trace my location if you don't know to look for me."

Seeing that Linnaeus had higher [Presence Concealment] than her own, combined with his [Stealth] and [Assassination], Emilia couldn't really refute his claims. She could learn a lot from him and, as they had similar paths, there was much she could teach him in exchange. Before that, however, there was one important thing she wanted to know so, without footing around the issue, she asked, "Do you have anything to eat...?"

Linnaeus experienced a momentary pause when he heard Emilia's question but, before he could fall into a complete stupor, Eliza explained, "The Vanargandr tribe are known for their appetites. Though they can eat virtually anything, they prefer nutrient-rich foods since it provides them a considerable increase in power and speed. From what I can tell, she has had trouble hunting due to the chaotic state of this territory. Also...it seems she has had trouble preparing the food...?"

Emilia issued a dry laugh in response to Eliza's words but, rather than refute them, she sheepishly explained, "I learned the basics when I was just a cub. I've tried to practice a bit while I'm here but it hasn't gone well. Most of the cooking was left to the males in my tribe, hahahaha~"

In response to Emilia's words, Eliza just lightly shrugged her shoulders before smiling in a casual manner and added, "Well, I can't say I'm any better. I know how to bake things but that is about it. Most of my food was prepared by others so I'm in the same boat. Fortunately, Linnaeus isn't that bad at cooking. We also picked up another ally just this morning and his [Cooking] is LV28. Though I've yet to taste any of his food, I have high hopes."

Hearing Eliza's words, Emilia's face blossomed into a smile that seemed to make the surroundings brighten up slightly. Despite this, Linnaeus' expression remained unchanged, something that Eliza had made a point of confirming. She didn't doubt him, especially after hearing about his past, but she was still inclined to watch and see if he ever tried proactively developing his [Charm]. Since he was like a little brother to her, she didn't want him to become another egotistical despot who cared more about his own ego than the women whose hearts were broken by his actions.

Feeling Eliza's gaze on him, Linnaeus looked in her direction only to find her averting her eyes just as soon as their gazes met. This wasn't the first time she had done this but, remembering how she had behaved during their first meeting, he believed it was just part of her nature. She didn't give him the same impression as Saht so, while there were undoubtedly complex thoughts running through her mind, he wasn't too worried about her.

So as not to keep Krone waiting the rest of the afternoon, Linnaeus kept the line of conversation flowing, stating, "I have a few smoked and grilled rations in my Inventory. They have light seasoning, courtesy of Eliza. If you want anything more complicated, it will have to wait until we reach the den. It is safer than this little hovel you have created so we'll retreat there to gather our bearing and get acclimated to each other."

As grilled meat was the staple food source for her people, Emilia wasn't shy at all when Linnaeus offered her a skewer of medium-rare venison. She hadn't eaten in almost an hour and, while she had collected some meat during her latest hunt, it needed to be treated to remove some of the gamey smell and foul taste. Even though her tribe was rumored to have descended from wolves, they did not eat their prey raw as the taste and smell were simply terrible.

After handing over a skewer for Emilia's consumption, Linnaeus and Eliza watched in abject horror as she bit into the meat like a person who hadn't eaten in weeks. For a brief moment, her ivory white teeth had become noticeably sharper and, while it was difficult for most people to chew, Emilia ate, not only the meat, but a part of the rabbit horn he had used as a skewer.

The horn of a Horned Rabbit was nearly as strong as iron so it was quite the sight to see someone take a bite out of it, seemingly without noticing they had done so. It wasn't until Emilia was licking the horn clean, earning Linnaeus another glance from Eliza, that the voracious woman noticed what she had done.

With her ears laying flat in a dejected manner, Emilia handed the skewer back to Linnaeus as she stated in a somber tone, "Sorry...it was just too good...I couldn't help myself...I will make you a better one in the future..."

Rather than reprimand Emilia for her actions, Linnaeus just inspected the horn for a few seconds before tossing it into his Inventory and saying, "It isn't an issue. I have a few spares back in the den. Just try and avoid a repeat of the same incident and there won't be any problems..."

As she had expected to be berated, Emilia couldn't help but smile radiantly when she heard the words of her new Party Leader. Her ears perked back up and, if not for the fact it had been tucked away beneath her makeshift skirt, they would have been able to see her tail waggle slightly. Since this would have been very embarrassing, Emilia was grateful for her past self's foresight as she was already an adult and it wasn't appropriate to expose your tail except to kin and close friends.

Feeling a little unnerved by Emilia's gaze and close proximity, Linnaeus decided it was time for them to pick up Krone and return. He didn't know why but Emilia made him feel a little uncomfortable as she didn't seem to have a proper sense of boundaries. Since he really disliked having people in his personal space, it took a lot of self-restraint to prevent himself from immediately stepping back and pulling out a dagger...