
Unexpected : Tension

There didn't seem to be a limit to the number of environments that could be found on successive Floors but, at no point in time had Linnaeus expected to encounter a situation like what he found on the Fifth.

Shortly after their transfer, Linnaeus and company found themselves standing in what appeared to be a stone alleyway. To further add to their confusion, a busy street could be seen just a few meters from them, filled with people of varying size, shape, and origin.

Having grown up in the slums, Linnaeus had certain expectations about how people lived when they gathered together under difficult circumstances. This caused him to feel an uncanny feeling deep in his stomach as, against all his expectations, the people on the street seemed to be happily enjoying their lives as they went about various stalls and shops with impunity. It was a stark contrast to life in the slums, as even the colors present seemed more vibrant and full of life...

Waking him from his temporary lull, Eliza casually remarked, "It seems like we were transferred into some kind of city. I hope they have an Inn with a big bed and a hot shower...haaaaaa-"

Based on how Eliza, Krone, and even Emilia were reacting, Linnaeus felt like the odd one out in the group. Fortunately, he was able to keep his incongruous feelings in check as he began to scan the area for any signs of danger before saying, "We'll focus on securing a base of operations before I begin collecting information. Stay on your toes...there is a chance this is some kind of trap."

Hearing Linnaeus' words, Eliza was reminded of the fact that he had grown up in the slums. From her perspective, this city looked like one of the markets that could be found near the outer districts of the Megacity. Though there were undoubtedly dangers present, you could typically determine public order by seeing how the people carried themselves while conducting business.

Realizing that she may have to take charge of the situation, Eliza pulled Linnaeus along confidently as she looked toward Krone and Emilia, saying, "You heard Lin, let's go find a place to stay. If there is even a chance of securing a comfortable bed, I'm not going to pass it up~!"

Krone answered Eliza's outburst with a curt nod while Emilia just followed behind, her eyes darting around curiously. She had never seen so many people in one place so she was feeling a little tense and excited. There were so many different kinds of foods present in the stalls that her mouth was already beginning to water in anticipation...

Fortunately, Emilia wasn't the type to just wander around on her own so, with Eliza pulling along Linnaeus, she dutifully kept pace without ever truly dropping her guard. If anyone got too close to their Party, her ears would incline at a forty-five-degree angle as she glared at them, startling quite a number of people who hadn't really been paying attention to the group of four.

While allowing Eliza to shepherd him through the busy street, Linnaeus' eyes darted to and fro as he searched for any signs of impending danger. He did spot a few thieves, allowing him to calm down a little, but it was still very strange to see so many people living alongside each other without any real tension between them. This was something he had never experienced before and, to make matters even worse, he even saw groups of children happily playing games together in alleyways without any visible concerns...

Eliza could feel the tensions in Linnaeus' body as she pulled him along and, though his expression didn't show it, she could tell he was very uncomfortable. This made her feel strangely guilty about her own upbringing as it was clear to see that Linnaeus had grown up in an environment where he couldn't even walk around without fearing for his life...

It was fortunate that they were transferred into a busy market district as, by traveling toward the periphery, they were able to find various businesses such as taverns, restaurants, and inn. Since all races spoke and wrote in Kinu, it was easy to read the signs that were posted and, based on the SK denomination, she determined that the rates were paid for with Soul Kindling.

Finding a place where they could get a combined room and food service for only 120SK per night, Eliza led the group through the double-door entryway. Here, Linnaeus seemed to collect himself a little better as, compared to the outside, there were only a handful of people quietly lounging about in the parlor while a rather fat woman wearing the clothing of a proprietress could be seen resting behind a countertop.

Seeing new faces appear, the rotund woman hoped up from her stool before adopting a pleasant and courteous smile as she asked, "Anything I can get for you, darlings? We have a few double and single rooms available and lunch will be ready in about forty minutes. If you just want something to fill yer gullet, we have honey-glazed bread and cookies available for 5 Kindlin'."

As if she had done this a thousand times before, Eliza adopted a smile of her own as she stepped forward and asked, "Does your institution provide bathing services? We just returned from a tough job so my companions and I would like to relax. For now, we'll take a double bed and two singles at the standard rate."

Hearing Eliza's words, the woman gave a knowing smile before leaning forward and whispering in a voice that only the Party could hear, "You must be new to these parts, eh? Not many would come to the central district after hunting on the outskirts. That is a three-day journey unless you use one of the transport services, fufufufu~"

Eliza's face flushed slightly upon hearing the woman's laughter but her mood quickly returned when the latter said, "Since it is your first time staying with us, I'll give you a bit of a discount if you decide to stay for five or more days. You'll be wanting to gather information and this place is where most of the newbies end up being sent after that hellish landscape on the Sixth Floor. Take it easy and focus on finding your footing before deciding on your next course of action, okay, darlings?"

At the adjusted rate, they would have to each fork over a total of 500SK but, considering this plan included three meals and a bathroom key, it wasn't a bad deal. The woman even told them about a few ways they could make money before telling them she was free to answer any of their questions after the lunch rush ended. This would, of course, cost them some additional SK but, considering she had been operating an inn in the area for eleven years, there was no end to the gossip she had to share.

Linnaeus didn't immediately trust the woman but, after listening to her for several minutes, he never got the feeling she was trying to deceive them. Rather, she seemed like a kind and easygoing person who showed genuine concern for their situation. She even gave them a small bag of freshly baked cookies, something Linnaeus that had shaken Linnaeus considerably as they were very sweet and full of sugar, a very hard to acquire spice back in the slums...

Ultimately, the Party rented four rooms that were located on the second floor of the establishment. He somehow ended up sharing the double room with Eliza but, considering he had a lot to ask her before setting out to obtain information, Linnaeus didn't fuss over the arrangement. He wasn't really self-conscious when it came to things like sharing a room with a member of the opposite sex so it didn't really matter to him all that much.

What Linnaeus hadn't expected was that the room was fully furnished and, unlike the small prison-like dwellings that could be rented in the slums, it even had things like a mirror, a wardrobe, and a very comfortable looking bed. His hand actually sunk into the material of the mattress, yet another thing he had never experienced before.

While Linnaeus was looking around the area in awe, Eliza garnered a genuinely surprised expression from him as she remarked, "I expected the room to be a little bigger. Well, it has a nice and homely feel so it isn't the worst room I've been in."

After fixing his expression, Linnaeus turned to face Eliza, asking, "Is this normal for the Inn within the Megacity?"

Shaking her head, Eliza explained, "Normal is something subjective. I'm sure the people that live in the outer districts are used to this quality but the rooms I'm used to typically have an attached bath and kitchen area. The only time I've stayed in a room of this quality was when I asked my mother to let me explore the outer districts with a few of my friends and bodyguards. Back then, I felt as if it was a waste of money to rent such a room as even my servants had better accommodations..."

Toward the end of her statement, Eliza plopped down on the bed as if it were the most comfortable mattress in the world. Even the bedding they had been provided with was clean and fresh smelling so, while it didn't really meet her standards, it was infinitely better than roughing it inside of a dark and humid den.

With a distant look in her eyes, Eliza nestled into one of the plush pillows available, adding, "I was told as a child that you never really appreciate what you had until it is taken away...ever since I came to the Tower, I've been reminded of this saying countless times..."

Hearing the melancholy in Eliza's voice, Linnaeus released a small sigh as he laid down on his own bed and looked up at the ceiling. He was tempted to ask if she wanted to stay in this place but, as he needed her to reach the exit of the Crucible, the words couldn't reach his lips. This made him feel a little guilty but, at the very least, he wouldn't be the one to broach the subject.

Rather than discuss his wayward thoughts, Linnaeus decided to try and strengthen the bond between him and Eliza, even if it felt like he was exploiting her. She was one of the few people that linked him and his sister so, fearing she would want to remain on the Fifth Floor, he asked, "Can you tell me more about the Megacity...more about your life prior to entering the Tower...?"

Eliza sat up upon hearing Linnaeus' question and, her eyes reflecting his image for several seconds before she smiled and answered, "Only if you'll tell me more about yourself. I'm certain you left out a few of the more personal details of your upbringing. I want to know more about your sister, that girl named Saht, and any other interesting people you met prior to falling into this place..."

Linnaeus had felt a little tense due to Eliza's silence but, upon hearing what she had to say, he parted his eyelids to stare at her for a few moments before rising to a seated position of his own. He wasn't sure if she had seen through his intentions or not but, as it was remarkably therapeutic to talk about his past, he decided to go with the flow of the conversation. It wasn't as if he had any great secrets to keep so, if it could bring them a little closer, Linnaeus didn't mind pandering to Eliza's curiosity...