Killing Goblins


I quickly hide in the bushes before it notices me, I wait for it to get closer to the river, I decide to use stealth and get closer since it's my first victim and it's goblin it may not be alone so I check my surrounds first as I get closer trying not to make any sound not because I am afraid of it running away but there could be more here or a camp nearby and I haven't tested my power here yet.

so no need to take risks just yet.

I get a notification for a skill while doing this but push it away and ask J to not notify me of skills while in combat. I return my focus on the prey.

when I am about 5 meters away behind it's back: 'damn this monster is ugly and the smell I can't even begin to describe'.

I see its name on top of its head as a goblin and an HP bar. I get my self ready and activate {Rabbit agility}.

and jump out aiming for its head with my fist and planing on using {hardened fist} when in range the moment I jump out it reacts and turns back to see me and pulls its knife in those few seconds in the same moment its knife left its scabbard my fist was in front of its face and I strike, it lands and I hear bones creaking. I go for another punch but I noticed that it already fell to the ground and I get a notification.

[ congratulation on killing an LV.2 goblin got 10 EXP due to level difference 10% extra EXP ]

[Level Up]

'eeeeh what why was it this weak or was I just too strong for it. it seems I got a level up awesome I wonder what changes happened to my status before I look into it, my { Heightened senses} actives and I dodge to right, take a fighting stance and look where I stood and see an arrow there looks poisoned so I dodge again and take cover behind a tree and look around and see 3 goblins.

1 with a short sword, 1 with a bow, 1 with with a club, the bow goblin stays behind and sends the other two, I make a quick move and climb the tree branch and hid there waiting for them to come once they came under where I was taking cover before they charged and swing their weapon to hit where I was supposed to be I use this chance and use {hardened fist} and jump down to strike the sword-wielding one then take its sword and strike the one holding club while it was lifting its club to strike, if one thing is for sure is that my DEX and AGI status is at least double theirs if not more.

then { heightened senses} actives again and I dodge this time the arrow cuts my left shoulder and I get a notification from J :

[ you have been poisoned status effect: - 5 hp every 3 seconds]

I stay calm and hold on to the short sword of the goblin and run towards the archer while moving in curves to not be an easy target I dodge another arrow and when in range I throw the sword with all my strength towards but I miss its chest, but still hit it left foot preventing it from running it screams in pain and I close the remaining distance in no time and go for a strike to the head like the others finishing it off.

but I got no time to rest I am poisoned and this piece of shit doesn't have the antidote on it.

I don't panic thanks to my gamer mind which keeps me calm and focused I go for the shop and I ask J for an antidote for the poison and asks me to confirm and I do

[bought lesser anti-poison potion for 8 WP]

I pull it from inventory and drink it

[ lesser anti-poison potion consumed ] [poison status effect removed ]

I sigh a sigh of relief for surviving my first battle and discover even with OP abilities battle experience is still needed.

I also buy a bandage for 1 WP for the wound after that

I collect the goblins crystals and weapons from the ground and put them in inventory then eat some fruits I had and continue on my path for shelter, I find a cave 15 minutes later behind a waterfall and by the looks of it belonged to the goblins I killed from the stuff I found inside I throw all of it out not even the beds as I would sleep on a bed a goblin slept on but l kept a couple of arrows I found there.

then I went out to find some leaves to make a primitive bed and I rest on it before going out again to collect wood to make fire I also made a primitive door for it.

the sun finely sets while I am in the cave.

I got the quest done notification then decide to open my status to see what I earned



Name: Sora

Race: Human (Mortal)

bloodline: none

Level : 3

EXP: 15/100

HP: 240/240

MP: 100/100

STR: 90 (each level gives +20 to all status)

DEX: 90

VIT: 90

AGI: 95

INT: 90

WIS : ∞

Skills : ( passive )

{ Instant Mastery ( ???? realm ): you are capable of acquiring any skills or abilities by practicing or learning or seeing and maxing its level effect: WIS = ∞ }

{ Fit body ( mortal realm ) level Max: you are fit effect: +10 STR, +10 VIT, +5 AGI }

{ Martial arts ( mortal level ) level max : effects + 15% damage , +15% reaction speed , +10 DEX }

{ agile ( mortal realm ) level max: your faster than your peers: effect: +10 AGI}

{Wooden skin ( mortal realm ) level max: your skin is a hard as wood effect +15% defense }

{Herbalist (mortal realm )level max: possessing the knowledge and uses of herbs on basic level}

{ Battle instinct ( peak mortal realm ) level max: your senses are forged through the battle you feel danger and your surroundings effect: can sense an attack and enemies in a 4 matters radius }

{ Hunter (mortal realm ) level max: you stalk your prey from the shadows effect and strike: hides your presence from your enemies and increases damage while in stealth by +10 %. ( doesn't work on intelligent life forms) }

Abilities : ( active )

{hardened fist (mortal realm) level max: attack with all your strength and will effect: your punch deals extra 30 % damage cooldown : 3 sec }

{ Rabbit agility ( mortal realm) level max: you are fast as rabbit effect: for 120 sec you get + 7% speed cooldown: 20 sec}

{Shadow strike ( mortal realm) level max: can be activated while in stealth to strike effect: +50 % damage cooldown: 2 sec }


' wow I feel good, little danger but big rewords this is a good life I feel the need to sleep, I will continue tomorrow good night J '