ch19. Bloodlines

Jarvis: " Right away sir but first I wouldn't recommend buying this world bloodlines "

Sora: ' Explain '

Jarvis: " Well sir there is multiple reasons but the most important is that it's that it doesn't benefit you in the long run as the bloodlines available doesn't provide you with any special skills and that it's status based only and some will even cause a decrease in some status and increases in some which will ruin your current fight capabilities and also the feathers change "

Sora: 'I still don't fully understand '

Jarvis: " For example sir one of the available bloodlines is Elf bloodline acquiring this bloodline will cause a decrease in the STR, DEX, VIT to 400 and will place the decreased status in the INT, WIS and also there will be a couple of changes to your body as elves aren't buff and magic-based and ears will become pointy and the same idea goes for Dwarfs, Amazoness, Boaz, Cat People, Pallum ..etc. depending the race traits and specialty it will cause an equal change in your status and there are no race skills given with these bloodlines also expect for the gods which is the ability to update adventure status only and Dragon bloodline with is the best of them as it gives a boost in all status and all magic resistance and other skills but as it's monster bloodline and you aren't golden immortal realm you will lose your human body and will turn into a dragon which isn't advised "

I understand what he is trying to say but where are the other bloodlines and why gods only give this one skill what about the other skills or divinity

Sora:'okay I get what you mean for the other races but why are the god's bloodlines not giving me any other skills and what about bloodline like the Uchiha bloodline?'

Jarvis: "for the god bloodline it's because the gods of this world aren't real gods have you forgotten sir the words of the system creator there is only one and those available here aren't even the ones known in your previous world those here in this low tier world are created by this world to maintain order using the familia system and the status update skill and even those who have similar powers to the real ones they are nothing but 1 % of the real deal because it's given to them by this world and based on the original as even in the havens in this world which is also a fake the so-called gods here are merely immortal, golden immortal realm while the original one is true immortal (weakest one), transcendent realm(strongest one) there is a great difference in power they are mere copies that's why they can't have children . as for the Uchiha bloodline it's simply because you can't afford as it's 28000 WP "

hearing all this new information I am really shocked by it even If I call them gods I never believed they really were but I didn't expect them to be only fake copies from the originals too and the price on the Uchiha bloodline is more shocking I mean the spear which can kill gods only cost me a 1000 WP why is the bloodline this much

I take a couple of minutes absorbing what I just heard and ask:" why is the Uchiha bloodline this expensive ?"

Jarvis: " well sir because you are buying a bloodline that doesn't exist in the current world a fee of 25000 which is half the price of the travel crystal required to travel the world is added to the price has this been Naruto World the bloodline would have only cost 3000 WP "

Sora: 'and here is another thing I just find out about the system it's nice having you Jarvis I honestly don't know what I would have done without you '

Jarvis: " well thanks sir I glad to be of assistance "

Sora: 'okay close the bloodline I won't be buying anything then and here I thought I will be able to get a boost in power. well I will get what I want when the time comes '

Jarvis: " Sir may I suggest another course of action ?"

I see a ray of hope:" please do "

Jarvis: " may I suggest upgrading your magical core instead "


Jarvis: "I will explain a magical core is the one responsible for mana pool like INT but it also responsible for the mana needed to do spells and cause increase in magical power and mana regeneration as you have noticed your magical pool is only 850 despite have 700 INT as the INT can only increase it's cap this much as INT if we explain it more specifically is helping you manage your mana better more then adding to it and the rest is coming from the realm increase normally no one can do this they keep what they are born with till they die to expect for some cultivation and training methods or worlds where heavenly plants or bills made from it is made they use it to increase their pool as mana, qi, chakra is no different from each other in anything but purity "

I take another 10 seconds thinking and piecing what he said again

Sora: ' thank you show me what can I buy then '

Jarvis: " available upgrade is for 2000 WP which will give you 2000 MP and X 3 magical power and decrees magic needed for spells by 30% "

Sora: " okay buy it "

[done .. Magical core upgraded from tier 1 to tier 4 ]

Jarvis: " before you ask magical cores have tiers the tiers numbers are equal to realms which upgrades for normal people with realm like I said but you are different because your situation as others will upgrade due to years and years of training or cultivation but you are a cheat character you you have to pay for these years of work you didn't do with WP "

Sora: ' wow I am not sure if I should feel good or bad about this let me think about for a second nop it feels good really good '

while saying this to Jarvis someone enters my domain and I look towards who and here she is Hestia who is a petite Goddess with a youthful appearance. She has blue eyes and mid-thigh length black hair tied into two twin tails which reach down to her mid-thighs. Her hair is tied with hair accessories that feature blue and white petals along with bell-shaped ornaments. She has a small frame (4' 7"), which further emphasizes her breasts, hence the nickname "Loli Big-boobs." Her usual attire is a white mini dress with a blue ribbon around her neck and one tied under her breasts around her arms, and a pair of white gloves.

and for my opinion on her appearance, it's an insult to the real goddess Hestia why because the real goddess is the virgin goddess of the hearth, the right ordering of domesticity, the family, the home, and the state so seeing what she looks here is really frustrating and it's not the way it looks only but the way they make here act like a brat and the cloth too.

either way, I will try to make here more fitting to here borrowed name and position

I wait for her to come closer and she sees me and looks worried as to why a man like me is waiting in front of her home it's a good thing I put my spear back in my inventory or she may have run away.

when she is a listening distance away she says: " who are you and why are you here ?"

I put a smile on my face to lower the tension

Sora: " Hi I am here looking for the Hestia familia "