Loki Demise and Crime

So this one day after meeting the Loki familia and right know I am in my mansion receiving some special guests who are Riveria Ljos Alf, Ais Wallenstein, Tiona Hiryute, Lefiya Viridis, Bete Loga. to know why they are here there are two reasons the first and the most important for them is that after exposing Loki I went to Riveria and whispered ' Ais is dying ' the second which will explain how Loki allowed them to be here is because he didn't or more like he couldn't as he is no longer in this plane, last night after the exposer he went running out of the hostess covering down there with a rope that he wore but how could I just let him leave I set a mental message to SubZero to finish him off not just that I told him to use a special poison that destroys the soul too with time once far enough. so now the Loki familia no longer exists and all its members are up for the taking and telling Riveria about Ais I was able to secure these 5 for myself if what I am planning works as for the rest the strong one went to familias like Freya, Takemikazuchi, Ishtar and so.

Looking at the and serving them drinks I can only guess the reasons they are here to be for Riveria will be what I told her so she brought Ais and came as for Lefiya and Tiona they are deep friends with Ais and will follow her anywhere and for Bete I always thought he had a thing for Ais and will follow her like the others. so now my main focus is to get all 5 to join my familia in front of me is one level 6, 3 level 5th and one level 3 they will be a great boost to the familia.

Sora: " Welcome everyone what brings you here today?"

Riveria: " despite what you did yesterday destroyed my familia it was Loki who started the fight and you only showed us the truth also there is what you said yesterday concerning Ais that I would like for you to elaborate what do you mean that Ais is dying?"

upon hearing this everyone sitting is instantly tense even my familia members and looking my way waiting for an answer.

with a serious look Sora: " Miss Riveria before I talk about this, you can't expect me to do this for people I barely know for free "

this draws an irritated and angry look from the former Loki familia member and Bell expect for Riveria, Ais, and my familia members and Bete: " Look her pal you will say what you have or there is going to be trouble for you " Riveria acts to apologize but before she could do anything I unleash my aura and look at him with a cold look and say " watch what you say to me boy many suffered for far less " he chokes and tries to breathe and Riveria interferes: " Sora sama I am sorry for my friend rash words but I ask to forgive him" I release my aura and but a calm face and look back to Ais and see in her eyes instead of fear I see stars and wish to become strong like me.

Riveria: " may I know what do you want in return for your help?"

Sora: " I will be honest with you miss Riveria what I only help family people I consider strangers are none of my concern "

catching up on what I mean every one of the former Loki familia looks at Riveria and gives her the look that it's up to her so she stays silent for a moment and says:" despite your word about Ais having a problem this isn't enough for us to make such a big decision to join unknown familia and unknown people"

I smile: " well let me fix that for you, this is the Hestia familia despite not know to the outside world at the moment we are the strongest familia and these are my family and people"

Riveria checks everyone in the room noticing that everyone expect Bell is letting out an experienced fighter aura and others like my shadows who were in the room with us are giving a kings auras with an emperor who is Sora sitting in the middle but joining a familia is still a life commitment unless your god or goddess dies it is something you are part of for life so she can't decide for sure as the other, Sora catches up on that and decide to clear their doubts.

Sora: " I see your dilemma miss Riveria so let's make it easier for you" I look to my familia members "everyone give me your adventure card" and so all does even my shadows who I made fake ones for making them all level 9 and part of the familia and present them to her and her familia members every one take a card and looks at it with wide eyes and lost his ability to speak except for Ais who her heartbeat only gets faster the more she sees.

Bete: "these can't be real"

Lefiya:" this must be a dream"

Tiona: " Hey Ais slap me "

Riveria: " how come I never heard of your familia"

Sora: " well we kind of stayed low but you have heard of us looking at your current gear and the emblem of the blacksmith on it let me introduce to you Shiro the one who forged what you are currently using " this shooks them even more and they are looking at Shiro Like a celebrity who no one knows his true face till now which is true his armor and weapons were like having a car when people used horses and they sold for a lot and familia fought for having them as I didn't publicize the familia behind him or his face it must be shooking to them.

I give them a couple of moments to absorb what they saw and heard and they calm down after a while and after answering some questions Rivieria says:" Sora sama I and my team members would like to request joining your familia if you will take us and we are a group so taking in one must take the rest" she says hoping I will expect as I never said that I wanted all of them to join and if I will take in Bete after what he did, I notice her intention and smile saying: " I caption of the Hestia familia on behave of everyone here welcome you all into the familia" and a nod to Hestia to continue.

Hestia steps forward: " Welcome all I am Hestia the goddess of the familia and your goddess from today please all the girls first follow me to a privet room to give you my Falna as for the boy stay here for now" they follow and I am left with Bete which is good since he needs to be set straight before joining, so I send everyone to their daily business expect for Lili, then stand up and say: " Lili, Bete both follow me to the garden" they obey and follow.

once in the garden:" Bete this is Lili she is currently the weakest member considering combat skills not containing Bell and she is level 4 right now both of you will fight each other to see where you stand in the familia ranking"

Bete looks puzzled " what do you mean of course I am stronger I am level 5 and look at her can she even fight isn't she a supporter " I sigh for his arrogance and ignorance but this why I am bringing him here " we will see mister Bete " I lean next to Lili and tell her " break every bone in his body I will fix him latter" she nods and puts a smile on her face happy to teach him a lesson so I set them both 10 meters apart.

Sora: "Ready" they both nod and take a battle stance, Lili, with her katana and Bete his two short swords

Sora: "begin"

both dash forward Bete taking this half-serious while Lili is choosing which part to break first they both clash which results in Bete being pushed back and smashing into the mansion wall and the runes of protection on the wall sends him back right where he came Lili receives him with the full weight of the katana again this time stinking him in the stomach sending him back something into the wall if it wasn't for the runes this wall would have crumbled the first time, Looking at him I see a lot of broken parts and a fainted Bete who is only alive because I keep healing internal injuries his get instantly so he doesn't die " Lili enough " she stops and goes back in.

I head towards him healing him while walking towards him and waking him up, I stand in front of his laid-out body looking down into his eyes then say" I hope that taught you that that attitude of yours will get you killed and I don't accept this kind of attitude here had you fought seriously and not looking down on your opponent you could have done much better than being a ragdoll, did I make my self clear Mr. Bete"

He nods back and I call Igris to take him inside 'huh being a caption is hard work let's go save Ais'

I head inside and meet my new members expert for Bete even if I fixed him he will need some rest and Hestia is looking at me trying to say something while looking at Ais but I already know so I signal her to just sit.

Sora: " again I welcome you all now let's address your problem Ais, over the years you must have noticed Ais lack of emotions except for battle and gitting stronger subjects and not only that she doesn't seem to understand others emotions too" everyone nods then I continue " my problem is how you guys thought that was normal and not look into it "everyone feels guilty hearing what I said but Ais interprets saying it's not their fault and that she isn't angry with them which makes them feel more guilty I ignore them and continue " you see during Ais mom tragic death Ais lost control over her magic usually people with that are either explode or driven mad but Ais is different Ais magic comes from spirt magic wind to be specific the contracted spirt with her in an attemt to save her sealed herself and her emotions and went into a slamber in hops that when she calms down and is rescued someone will unlock the seal and everything will go back to normal but that didn't happen and it was that reached Loki fault I am sure Loki never showed you Ais status, did he ?"

they reply by no or shaking their heads and Hestia is having a look of realization in her face and shout: " NO HE DIDN'T THAT PIECE OF SHIT GOD I WILL KILL HIM"

Riveria asks: " what do you mean please explain'

Sora: " Well don't worry about him Hestia I already got that covered, you see while most gods or goddesses would have unsealed the seal and let Ais has a normal life that pice of shit saw the opportunity the longer the seal lasted the more Ais body and soul absorbed the contracted wind spirt power to continue to function and that has its benefits which is combat power and the most important leveling up much faster, Ais is just 14 but already level 5 the drawback though after the continuous absorption the spirt will eventually die out as she can't replenish the absorbed power fast enough in a slumbering state and with her Ais emotions and will too and the absorbing of the spiritual power is only getting worse the more she fights and levels up the more she got the more unstable she becomes that is way Ais becomes more devoted from emotion and will with the passing of time only be driven by the instincts to fight as only her goal of killing the black dragon remain and Loki wanted his personal beautiful and powerful adventure doll "