This is My World!

Walking beside Matrona back to their home I start thinking what this world holds for me, and I start thinking about what I am going to do in this world, this world is different in many ways from the previous one from power and culture and the races her unlike Danmachi aren't living the adventure lifestyle and live in cities together but every race has his own land his own culture and they either work together or killing each other.

of course, the humans are the most warlike of this world after the demon race, of course, the giants are warriors who like wars too but they don't start their own they fight other races wars. and there is this feeling I kept having since I can to this world the Origin energy in this world is a lot and there is this connection but I don't know where it is coming from.

Sora: 'maybe I should force more on the connection and see what is calling for me'

I start focusing and the calling starts to grow and suddenly I start feeling it coming closer and fast it's not close by but it left where it was and is heading my way, I stop suddenly feeling the familiarity getting stronger which makes Matrona and the other two stop and look at me looking for an explanation to why we stopped.

Sora: " go ahead of you there I will meet you in Megadozer, okay"

Matrona gets closer worried: " Husband what is wrong is there is an enemy I can fight by your side"

I put a loving smile and pull her into a hug and tell her: " nothing is wrong and I don't think it's an enemy but I need to see what is it so take the girls and go ahead, your husband is very strong so don't worry "

Matrona reluctantly takes the girls and continue to Megadozer while I start heading towards what's coming.

I go back to the small size to not attract attention then take flight towards the coming and after some time I finally see it or more precisely her. My will, My will is her right in front of me,' it can't be I thought It died with my original body', let me explain every Origin or creation that was given the ability to create worlds is given a Will 'the will of creation or in other meaning it like the power to create a universe in itself as just having power doesn't grant you the permission or the authority to create a world it's like a position assigned to you by God, you could be a Titan with the power to detroy world with the swing if a hand and mind it two but making it from scratch from nothingness is only for the chossen' another name for it as Chaos but why is it sealed and why is it Hawk's mom could it be this world was made by my will but if that is true then it belongs to me I oversee this world my will along can't defy other stong creation of it knowing the plot of this world knew that a Chaos Will of this world was sealed by the demon king and the supreme goddess in fear of their race worshiping her instead of them. but how can it be mine this a new world for sure but my will can't be here by coincidence unless he put you here. but why would he help me he stays neutral why is he helping me only he would know the future and would know I will come here at some point in my journey so he sent you my way.

My Will comes closer to me and once in front it stops and I could confirm the connection, it comes closer to me and I reach out my hand to it once the connection is made the seal holding it broke and it came rushing into me.

Sora: ' Yes I complete again' during this, memories of my will, flashes through my mind and I find a message in them.

God: " Sora my boy, I am sorry I knew about the attempt on your life but did nothing and I hope you understand it was necessary and meant to happen for you to reach your full potential and for your family to get a chance to restore itself this needed to happen so I didn't stop after seeing it will help you grow beyond what would stoping it will and you needed this so you can grow out of your family shadow, I hope you can find it to forgive me and I restored your Will and sent her to create this world and wait for the day you will get her, this world is yours I hope you can bring it to balance and peace, with love God"

[ Sora's Will restored fusing the system with the Will]

[sending the Host into a pocket world till merging in 25 secounds]

" wait for Matrona I need to inform her first shit there is no time Igris, Merlin come "

they both come out of my shadows " go protect Matrona till I return inform her that my departure wasn't my choice and keep he safe some lord is supposed to hire her to try to kill her in the coming days save her and take her away and don't interfere with the world I will handle it when I return"

[Puting host to sleep till finishing the merge]

[ 16 years Later]

[ Awaking host]

opening my eyes I found my self in the same place I met my Will be the terrain has changed 'how long has it been for everything to change'

I still down and start feeling my surrounding and I find my self seeing the entire world of the seven deadly sins all life every being every realm, my powers they have returned and the system is no longer there it merged with my will and it's part of me now I don't need Jarives to get do things ' wait was Jarvis erased, no he exists but no longer hod power and just a wandering soul, no worries I will get him back' and with a wave of my hand a body of Sebas from overlord is created and in my other hand a soul is placed inside the body, a second later Jarvis opens his eyes and takes a kneeling potion upon seeing me " young master you shouldn't have this one has already done his job there was no need for you to waste your time or power for this "

Sora: " don't be dramatic Jarvis this is a well-earned reward for your serves you can have a family and children now"

Jarvis: " thank you, my lord"

Sora: " now since the flow of time it seems to have been 16 years that means that Meliodas should just have met Elisabeth, for now, let's go for my Wife I missed her and let's see my status "


Name: Sora Origin

Race: The Origin (P.True Immortal +) {canot advance to further realms without soul cultivation}

bloodline: Origin 70%

Magical Core: Tier 7 ==> Tier 11

Soul realm: Immortal Soul

Job: Immortal Shadow Emperor ==>True Emperor of the Shadows

Level: 80 ==>120

EXP: 1000/10000000

HP: 100%

MP: 100%

Total status: 11,415,500

WIS : ∞

Mastered Conseptets: Space, Reality, Power, Soul, Mind, and Time

Laws Mastered: None

{ The Origin ( P.Titen realm ): wither it's living or not, magic or not formless or not everything belongs and is part of you }

{Will of Creation {Unique}: the power to create worlds and manage them, given to the chosen individuals by God} New

Skills : ( passive ) [click to show]

Abilities: (Active) [click to show]

Sora: " so as expected my soul still needs to be restored well this why I will going to Douluo Dalu for, as for my Bloodline the last 30% will only be restored with I turn the concepts to Master laws which will take billions of years but I plan to master them using the infinite stone from the marvel world so let's see what I plan to do know this world need some fixing first my powers here is infinite since it's my own world not other so let's go get Matrona first then get started"

I start searching for her on this plant I find her in no time she actually isn't far and she is heading this way it seems that Igris and Merlin is with her they mush have since me so they are bringing her to me, well till she reaches let's see what my plans are to set this world back on the right track

Sora: " we have the small stuff like releasing the cures on both Meliodas and Elisabeth, reviving Elaine, helping Gowtherand the rest of the sins they suffered a lot because my will couldn't contain the demon and angels and there is the big stuff, getting rid of the idiot incompetent fools the Demon King and the supreme goddess and finding new successors for those ideots I already know who to replace the Demon with not sure about the angle yet, then there is releasing the demon clan, restoring the elves destroyed clan that the demons destroyed who by the way merlin is an Elf not human nor a demon, then there is making peace between all the races which will be the most work"

I let out a big sigh ' Fixing this miss of a world is really hard work but my responsibility still stands'

I take my giant form head towards my Wife who upon seeing me is shooked by my looks and aura as now with 70% unlocked I can no longer hide my aura completely yet I stopped it from being released into the entire world yet but those who come close will notice it. upon reaching her she lowers her head and attempts to kneel.

Sora immediately stops her: " don't you are my wife you don't kneel to no one so stand with your head held high, I have missed you Wife" and I pull her in a huge

Matrona: " this isn't fair you claimed me then left I was so mad I kept thinking on how to punish you when I see you again but you are taking all the anger away and also you got way stronger now, I thought that I will stong enough to be with you I kept training under Igris and Merlin to make you proud of me as your wife they thought me everything about magic and fighting and they told me about you being an Origin, not a Giant and how much you love me that in the midst of the most important moment you thought of me and my safety and sent them to keep me save and the honor I received by marrying into the Origin family"

I hug her tighter and tell: " I don't need you to be strong I need you to be with me strong warriors can be found and created I can get them anytime anywhere and I can give you strength what I want is you beside me I will love and support you and you loving and supporting me"

Sora: " and know that I always have and always will love and be proud of you" and I pull her for another kiss