Chapter 51 Ray Returns to Anime Highschool

After 20 days of Sleeping and 3 days of staying at the Hospital, Ray finally was granted leave and then he packs his stuff, gets ready wears his shoes and then leaves for Anime Highschool

Ray sighs as he comes out of Hospital

"I have come close to death 2 times in these 50 chapters now, I don't even know what is coming next, oh by the way You know who healed, You should already know who did if you all watched My Hero Academia, And if you already don't know, All Anime Characters play their jobs here as they did in the real world, people who don't have any jobs and just fight come to the Anime Highschool, Now I want to know what has changed in these 20 days"

Ray asks himself as he starts to walk back to the Anime Highschool

after a while

Ray finally returns to Anime Highschool

He stands on the entrance were from where he sees the main building

Ray starts to walk inside

"If I remember correctly, Now only 15 days are left for Summer Vacation to end, People have started to come back for many reason one being that they have nothing left to explore"

Ray enters the main building and sees no one around

Ray enters the hallway and there was no one there as well as he enters his class and sees no one there as well

Ray then starts to roam around the school trying to find anyone around

"Where is everyone?"

Ray asks himself as he comes on the field and sees no on there as well but then he sees

"Ah, The Gym started it's rebuilding"

Ray thinks to himself as he checks the dorm and no one was there as well and finally he then heads towards the Auditorium

He enters the Auditorium where he finally sees everyone was preparing for something as he sees Asta

"Yo, Asta!"

Ray calls out to him and Asta looks towards him

"Oh, It's Ray!"

Asta tells everyone

Everyone looks towards Ray

"Yo, Ray you okay now?"

Yui asks Ray

"Yeah, Perfectly Fine"

Ray tells everyone

"That's how you should be, Ray"

Goku tells Ray

"Thanks, Goku, By the way, What are we doing?"

Ray asks everyone

"Ah, To entertain people, Our Principle Joseph Joestar held a Talent Show for everyone to perform"

Asta tells Ray

"Talent show, So Who is participating in it?"

Ray asks Asta

"Well, Yui is doing it, Naruto is Doing it , Trunks and Goten are doing it and Rikka is doing it, That's it"

Asta tells Ray

"Hmm, Maybe I will do it as well"

Ray tells Asta

"Oh, What are you doing it?"

Asta asks Ray

"Well, Just wait for the show to see that"

Ray tells Asta

"Okay then you should go and get yourself registered"

Asta tells Ray


Ray asks Asta

"There, Kakashi is doing the registration"

Asta tells Ray


And so Ray gets himself registered for the Talent Show

End of Chapter 51