Chapter 64 Yui and Ray

After School, Soon after people were going back to the Dorms to complete their work their while Ray and Yui were keeping back the Props back at the Storage room

While He was keeping them Someone closed the door from behind him

Ray noticed it and tries to open the door

"Who closed the door?"

Ray asks himself as he looks towards Yui

"Is something the matter Ray?"

Yui asks Ray

"Yui, Have you kept the things back?"

Ray asks Yui

"Yeah, I am finished"

Yui tells Ray

"Oh, Then I need to tell you, We are locked in the auditorium"

Ray tells Yui

"Huh, What did you just say?"

Yui asks Ray

"I said We are locked in the Auditorium"

Ray tells Yui


Yui asks Ray


Ray tells Yui

"Why is God doing this to us?"

Yui asks Ray

"I want to ask him this myself"

Ray tells Yui

"Oi, I think you already know what happens when a boy and girl are locked in a room?"

Yui asks Ray

"Yes, I know it"

The Battery of their Phone goes dead

"It begins"

They both say

Ray tells Yui

"Then we should keep our distance from each other"

Yui tells Ray


Ray and Yui sat away from each other

on either side of the Auditorium

"Don't come close to me whatever happens"

Yui tells Ray

"Yes, I promise I would not come close to you"

Ray tells Yui

As they were sitting away from each other

Ray was looking around the Auditorium when he sees a crack appear on the roof as a piece of rock starts to fall directly on Yui

Ray looks towards the Rock as he shouts out

Aiden, Activate

Yellow and Blue sparks start to come around Ray's body as he heads towards Yui and jumps to create an Electric Ball and then destroy the piece of rock as he shouted


The rocks were destroyed into pieces as it falls around Yui

Yui looks towards all this and was shocked as Ray lands on the ground and stands up

"Oof that was a close one"

Ray tells Yui

"Umm, Thank You"

Yui tells Ray

"Oh No Problem, Now I should go back befor-"

Ray steps on a piece of rock and falls

As he opens his eyes, he was right on Yui

"OH COME ON!!!!"

Ray shouts in his mind as after a little while, They were able to get out by Ray using his Electrical waves to send out the signal through the hole on the ceiling

But Ray and Yui were too embarrassed to face each other after that

In Ray's Room

Asta comes to his room to ask something about the story when he asks

"Did something happen between you in the Auditorium?"

Asta asks Ray

"Why ask?"

Ray asks Asta

"You also know why I ask, The Locked Room Ritual, did it happen?"

Asta asks Ray

"Want me to beat the shit out of you?"

Ray asks Asta

"Oh, I am sorry, by the way, did you hear, Seiya and his group from Cautious Hero have been added to the Anime Highschool"

Asta tells Ray

"Yeah, I have already met him"

Ray tells Asta

"Oh, Okay"

Asta replies to Ray

End of Chapter 64