Chapter 89 Field Trip

2 days have passed since then

Ray and Yui haven't talked a bit

Ray and the others were in their class doing nothing as they normally do when the class's door opened and came in someone that surprised everyone

"That is...

Mumen Rider(One Punch Man)

"Hello Everyone, I am Mumen Rider, C Class Rank 1 and I am here to tell you all about the field trip that has been brought to you by the Hero Association, You all will be coming to the cities of the Hero Association for 3 days and you all will be given free food"

Mumen Rider tells

"Oh, It's You"

says Saitama with no expression on his face

"Oh, Saitama you were here as well"

Mumen Rider tells Saitama

"Umm, When is this trip?"

Ray asks Mumen Rider

"We will be leaving tomorrow and will reach there not long after"

Mumen Rider tells Ray


After Ray said that, The Whole Class went silent as no one cared about anything else when the bell ringed and they all started moving from their place

Vegeta was passing by Mumen Rider as he says

"This is so meaningless"

Ray, Asta, and Yui all met up with the others at the cafeteria

"So Ray, You were the one who asked for the tournament, Why?"

Sam asks Ray

Ray was drinking his water so he taps on Asta's shoulder

"Ah, He wanted Yui to talk to him"

Ray throws out the water on his mouth as he wipes his mouth and Yui chocked on her food as she quickly drinks water

"Oi Asta, I told you to keep it a secret"

Ray tells Asta

"Stop it, Ray You can do nothing now, just spill the beans to Yui"

Aoi tells Ray

Ray sighs

"As Yui was not talking to me so I and Aiden planned the tournament involving Yui's Two favorite Genre that is Action and Isekai"

Ray tells Yui

Yui looks towards Ray as she sighs


Yui looks towards Ray as she says

"Baka" and leaves the cafeteria

"Oi, did she just said those words?"

Ray asks Asta

"Yeah, she definitely did"

Asta tells Ray

"Oh, Your plan worked perfectly Aiden"

Aoi tells Ray

"See I told you, it would work"

(By the way, Aiden can hear everything but the others can't hear Aiden)

And so the school was soon over and everyone went back to the dorms

At Night...

Ray was looking towards the night sky as he stands up and walks downstairs to get a can for himself

He reaches there and sees Yui there

There was no way to dodge each other as they already looked at each other

Both of them sighed as the walked towards the vending machine

"Let me buy it for you"

Ray tells Yui

"No, thank you"

Yui replies to Ray

Yui puts the coin in the vending machine and clicks on Oolong Tea

She takes out the bottle and starts walking back

Ray then puts his coin and chooses Coffee as he takes the can but as he was about to bend down to take out the Can,

Yui slipped on a can and fell backward at Ray

Ray also fell down and sees Yui on him

"Oh, Sorry"

Ray tells Yui

Yui didn't say anything but she turned around and suddenly tightens her grip on Ray's clothes

Ray was surprised as he didn't say anything

Both of them were on the ground when Yui stood up again and turns around and starts to walk back to the Girl's Dorm

Ray was confused to what just happened as he stood up and looked towards Yui

End of Chapter 89