Chapter 104 "Oh No"

"Ok, Thank you for the info, I am heading to scout the outskirts, while you please tell everyone about this and get as many people for help," says Ray as August agrees after which Ray ran away from there while August then sighs as a red color suddenly appears in his eyes and he says "it's done, you all can show yourself" suddenly multiple people appear inside of the room with a machine behind them as one of them says "Good job, I knew sticking you to this person was a good idea, now, as the irritating guy has been taken care of, let's take LifeEX to the roof immediately" all of them agree as they all get to work

Meanwhile, outside the school building, Seiya stands in front of Asta with not a single expression on his face as he says "Who are you" Asta hears that as he suddenly gets angry and replies to him by shouting "YOU KNOW, WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE ASKING ME THAT WHEN YOU JUST INTERFERRED WITH MY BATTLE THAT I WAS ABOUT TO WIN" Seiya hears all that and says "Huh. is that so, but looking at your condition, it looks like you were badly losing and really needed help" "HUH, I WAS-" "That doesn't matter anymore, what matters is what is happening in this world, why are all these guys suddenly attacking this school, why did a weird black substance try to stick itself to me and again who even are you" asks Seiya as Asta's anger calms down and curiosity starts to rise within him as he puts up the question "black substance?"

Meanwhile, Ray was jumping from building to building as he reaches the giant walls surrounding the whole city and quickly activates Aiden as he jumps up high and leaps over the wall and then lands on the other side while cracking the ground below him as he says "Now the search begins" suddenly the amount of sparks rises around his body after which, he uses his lightning speed to scout around every single place in the outskirts but couldn't find anything as he stops and then catches his breath and thinks "why...why can't I find any one of those guys, its almost as if-" and as then a sudden beam of light was shot towards the sky from the center of the city which Ray notices as his eyes go wide open and thinks "oh no" as he quickly uses his speed of light and heads towards the center of the city while in the city Asta and Seiya look towards the pillar of light as Asta thinks 'what is happening" as Seiya notices something in the skies and says "Oi, look over there" pulling Asta's attention as he looks up in the sky and sees something he could believe, multiple villians and hereos were flying towards that pillar of light as they all soon start landing around the school building surrounding it from all sides as Asta looks at this and says "Red eyes, they are all being controled to protect the school building, this means something important is going to happen here, but what"

Suddenly Ray comes running there and quickly stops right next to Asta as he breathes heavily and says "Asta, Get ready to fight, we have to quickly reach the roof and stop that machine, before it can revive FINN" Asta hears this and was shocked as he asks "how....are we even going to do that, do you even see the amounts of villians and people being controlled here....even Saitama and Luffy are being controlled, do you even think we both can defeat them here, do you even have a pl-" and as then someone suddenly shouts out "KAMEEEEHAMEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAAAAAA" and then the whole front row was defeated, except a few as both Asta and Ray were shocked as they hear a shout say "ASTA, RAY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING STANDING AROUND, WE HAVE TO STOP THIS RIGHT" as they both turn around and sees Yui, Aoi, and Sam along with multiple heroes, half injured behind them as Ray then sighs and says "yeah, we have to stop this before he could come back" while Asta hears this and smiles as they both notice the ones surrounding the school come together in front of it ready to fight them when Ray realizes something and says "wait a minute, Saitama and Luffy are being controlled, What the hell, I thought they were on our side" as then Naruto comes next to Ray as he says "Yeah, they were until we defeated that Maple girl, after that a little girl with blonde hair came there and got some black substence on both of them and then they got on their side" "Black susbtence?" ask Ray as Asta says "Ah yes, Seiya said something about it as well, some black substence attacked him, but he was too cautious and was svaed by it" "Seiya, Cautious Hero...thats an Isekai...that means this black substance is" Ray quickly turns around and shouts "EVERYONE LISTEN, DODGE EVERY KIND OF BLACK SUBSTENCE THESE GUYS THROW AT US, THEY CAN LET YOU LOSE YOUR CONTROL OVER YOUR BODY!"

all of them hear this and agreed to it as Ray then turns around and after a sigh looks at all of those people in front of him with a smile as he says "well then, now, Aiden Activate" and covers himself with blue and yellow lightning as he says "its time for the battle to begin"

End of Chapter 104