In the dark, dingy, muddy trenches the mud seems to cling to you like death does, in this dangerous occupation anyone could die at any moment without warning. Small boys dragged away from their screaming mothers were forced to grow up and be a part of the harsh reality of war and not the propaganda they grew up with. They were trained to kill or be killed on no man's land, it was either kill an enemy or having their family get news of their tragic death. I was a part of their bloody, nauseating wars as treaty after treaty was broken and everyone was in an arms racing contest to see who comes out on top. There was a time during the war where I lost all hope of returning home, I was injured, alone and I had no one to keep me occupied during the pain I got from the grenade. I was somehow saved by soemone but unless I was missing a limb I wad not sent home and forced to re-join battle as soon as possible. I was given a promotion for my bravery for throwing myself in front of the grenade but because of this I was closer to the frontlines where I did not want to be. As more and more high ranked officers fell I was moved closer and closer to the frontlines until I was face to face with the enemy as we rushed no man's land, killing anyone who was wearing a different uniform to ours. After for serving many years I was allowed to retire and enjoy my life as a thank you to all veterans who served the country, they were given a one minute silence to commemorate the sacrifice of the soldiers who were no longer with us. The end.