Crossover - Legends, Marvel, TAG and Hunger Games

Panic and worry. The only emotions the whole world were probably feeling when they realised that the planet was going to be destroyed by an asteroid. Another race called the Atlanteans lent a helping hand by taking ten million earthen teenagers from Earth to Atlantis, on the way there was another ship and they found two survivors called Sara and Ava. A few days after picking up the survivors they sent out a distress beacon and everyone died except Sara and Ava (They were kept in prison until the Atlanteans picked their fates) With the prison in the centre of the shop the were safe. A bigger ship came and noticed signs of life that were inside so the King called Thor sent Valkyrie and Carol Dancers down to see if they were indeed alive and they were. The four girls became unlikely friends and Valkyrie and Carol halped Sara and Ava return to their original ship, The Waverider, where they saw the bodies of their friends and crew. They repaired the shop and used it to travel back in time to make sure the accident never happened but they decided to stick together, Sara and Ava became a couple as did Carol and Valkyrie and they went all over the time stream for their double dates and good times. They enjoyed their life and decided to go to Atlantis, once there they made the mutual descision to join the hunger games with Katniss Everdeen where they all won and became Citizens and got to experience the new complex society, they also got to keep The Waverider as they came to Atlantis piloting it and they realised that the Atlanteans would not know how to pilot a time ship. The end