Before The Fall Part Five

After eating Yuki and Suzu went next door. Kenjiro already began taking the fence apart. Suzu was currently examining a pair of Yuki's panties as she asked: "Yuki, do you think we will need to live outside from now on?"

"Hard to tell. If the phenomenon that we are experiencing gets any worse we might all just disappear altogether." Yuki answered as she turned her head to look at Suzu who was wearing a pair of her panties on her head. "Suzu, I told you before, don't do that you will make them stretch!"

It seemed this was not the first time for this to happen. "Booo!" Suzu answered as she pulled them off her head. She then walked over to the dirty close pile and picked up an already worn pair and brought it to her nose which was quickly snatched out of her grasp. "What is your obsession with my panties?"

"They smell like Yuki." Suzu answered seriously causing Yuki to not even know how to answer that.

"Whether they do or not do not sniff my panties. It's weird." Yuki took the panties and the rest of the dirty laundry and brought it out of her room. She was really starting to worry about Suzu's future, that is if they even had a future any more.

She brought the laundry to the laundry room, opened the door as she normally would, and sat the basket down to the side but when she went to reach for the washer to open the lid her hand grasped air. "Gone… Gone!"

Yuki stumbled back out of the laundry room tripping over her own feet and landing on the wood floor with a loud bang. "Yuki!?"

Suzu came running out of Yuki's room, a new pair of panties being used as a hair tie. "Yuki, what's wrong!?"

"The washer is gone..." Yuki pointed into the laundry room. She had just used it yesterday to wash Suzu's clothes but now it was gone altogether.

"Come on get your clothes together we can use the one at my house." Suzu said as she helped Yuki up from the floor. Yuki reached up and pulled her panties out of Suzu's hair causing Suzu to purse her lips.

" I will do them later, for now, I will just bring them downstairs." Yuki slapped Suzu's hand away, that was reaching out towards the laundry basket.

"Suzu, stop with my panties already! Would you like it if I began stealing your panties and wearing them on my head and sniffing them?" Yuki asked, feeling completely exasperated.

"If Yuki wishes to sniff my panties, I do not mind..." Suzu lifted her long shirt and began pulling her panties off, only to be quickly stopped by Yuki.

"Stop! That is far enough with the joking around. Go back to my room and help me pack. I will bring this downstairs." Yuki turned around and began walking down the hall, not waiting for Suzu to answer.

Suzu watched her leave as she pulled her panties up. "I wasn't joking..." She then bent down and picked something up off the floor and brought it to her nose. As she took a big sniff and paused as her brow furrowed. "These are clean..."

Hanging her head in disappointment, Suzu went back to Yuki's room to help pack up her clothes. It took the girls about an hour to bring all the necessities that Yuki would need downstairs and place them near the back door to the house. They then moved the couch outside and pushed the T.V. to the sliding glass door so they could watch it from a safe location. Yuki's back deck, although small, still had an overhang that could allow for cover from the rain.

Yuki felt weird having to stay outside for safety because the inside of your own house had become a death trap. Although she would rather stay outside, than end up dying in the middle of the night. Kenjiro came over and saw how they moved the couch outside and said: "I will hang up some plastic to keep any rain from getting on the couch. Also, I will need to cut a hole in the floor around your first-floor bathroom. Is that fine or do you wish to just use ours?"

Yuki thought for a moment before saying: "Do mine as well just in case. If your house disappears and mine is still here we can just use mine. Oh umm is it fine if I use your laundry room? My washer is gone..."

Kenjiro was a little surprised to hear this but nodded his head with a smile: "Sure, we are all family here, so we will share what we got until it's gone. Starting tomorrow we will be doing survival training. I won't say more than that but I am sure you know why. Also tonight I will give the both of you something to protect yourselves with."

Yuki wondered what it was but put that at the back of her head. She felt slightly embarrassed walking around with her dirty laundry. She hurried over to Suzu's house. Suzu who was behind her was stopped by her father. "You with me!"

"What!? But Yuki!" Suzu who was being pulled by her collar was dragged away as she reached out towards Yuki's departing back with all her might but no matter what she did her father dragged her away.

Yuki, who did not turn around or care about Suzu's plight, walked into Suzu's house and found Ayame cleaning up the kitchen. "Ayame-san can I use your laundry room?"

"Sure you can but what happened to yours?" Ayame asked.

Yuki frowned as she said: "Gone…"

"Mmm… then go ahead. I have found a few things gone myself. One being the front door to the house… Kenji just boarded it up with some plywood... My guess is it disappeared while we were busy..." Ayame said. She was doing her best to put on a smile but her eyes gave away the worry she felt about what was going on. Putting her dishtowel down she turned around and looked out the window. "Make sure you two girls pay attention to Kenji's lessons tomorrow. And Yuki..."

Yuki watched as Ayame turned around she had tears welling up in her eyes. "If, if by any chance Kenji and I disappear, please take care of Suzu for as long as you can. That girl… She has relied on you too much since young. She is a smart kid but she has a strange personality. So I hope you can stay by her side..."

"Ayame-san… Suzu is like my sister, I will never leave her on her own. I will do what I can to protect her..."

Seven days had now passed since the start of everything and Yuki and Suzu were put under strict training by Kenjiro. They did not get any breaks throughout the day except to eat. At night they were so tired they would fall asleep almost immediately on the couch and Ayame and Kenjiro would need to carry them to their tents. More and more things began to disappear as time went on. The whole top floor of Yuki's house was gone and a few walls were all that was left of Suzu's home. So far they still had a single bathroom that worked but that was about it. Kenjiro had taught the girls how to make tools from their surroundings and simple traps for small game hunting. He taught them how to make simple weapons as well. As a man who was once in the military, Kenjiro had to know a lot of skills in case he ever got stuck behind enemy lines with no weapon. So he was very skillful in how to make makeshift bows and arrows.

On the ninth day, Yuki and Suzu both woke up as normal. Yuki was going to lean over and wake Suzu up with their normal ritual when Yuki found the silence around them to be a bit strange. Yuki hurriedly crawled out of the tent not caring if she disturbed Suzu. But once she stood up and looked around her eyes went wide and began to tear up. "Suzu get up now!" Yuki yelled, causing Suzu who was only pretending to be asleep to quickly crawl out of the tent.

"What!?" Suzu was just as surprised as Yuki was. Both their houses were now completely gone. Just basements full of stuff that fell from the upper floors.

But that was not what surprised Yuki the most, she reached up and grabbed Suzu's chin and pointed to her family's side of the yard."Your parents..."

The spot where their tent was supposed to be was completely gone as were any signs of Ayame and Kenjiro. "Mom, dad!?"

Suzu began to panic but there was nothing around even the next-door neighbors' houses were nothing but empty plots. They could clearly see everything around them. Down the street, they could see a few people huddling together and crying. But other than that there was nothing. As things began to set in for Suzu she broke down crying. Yuki pulled her into a hug and held her tight. Suzu hugged her back, releasing all her tears.

A few hours went by and Suzu finally calmed down but refused to let go of Yuki. "Suzu if you do not let me go, I can not climb down to find us some food for today."

All the food in both the houses were now scattered around the basement. She also had to try to find some flashlights if she could. "Yuki… What will we do now?"

Suzu finally spoke, her voice trembling. Yuki sighed as she knew how Suzu felt. She was scared as well. And to top it off Suzu had just lost both her mother and father. At least for Suzu, she did not have to watch them go. Yuki felt Suzu was lucky on this point. Because the feeling of being helpless while you hold your loved one in your arms as they disappear right in front of you was not something someone should have to go through and with Suzu's personality it would probably break her.

"For now, let's get you back into the tent so you can be warm. I also want to take a gun with me while I am getting us something to eat. There are still people around and from the movies, we have watched, people began acting weird during times like this." Yuki was afraid of someone attacking two helpless girls. Luckily Kenjiro had given them some training although it was not much, Yuki had remembered most of it as she was seriously trying to commit it all to memory just in case.

Yuki brought Suzu back into the tent and tucked her into the blankets. "Just rest for now. I will be back in a few minutes once I find something to eat."

"Yuki..." Suzu looked at Yuki, her eyes watering up.

Yuki felt bad for leaving her on her own but she needed to secure some food and water at the very least. Yuki thought for a moment before leaning over and pushing her lips against Suzu's. The kiss only lasted a few seconds before Yuki pulled away and said: "Since you didn't get one when you woke up. I gave it to you now."

Suzu was somewhat surprised by Yuki's actions and could only nod her head. Yuki smiled and patted Suzu on the head. "Wait here for me. I will announce if it is me so if someone begins trying to open this tent while I am digging in our basements, use the gun at your side to shoot okay? Make sure you shoot no matter what."