Before The Fall Part Seven

Worry spread across Yuki's face just thinking about the possibility. She really did not want to be walking with a group of people and her clothes suddenly disappearing, she would die from embarrassment then. "Suzu, sorry but I would rather die than walk around naked!" Yuki gave an apologetic prayer.

She then carefully climbed down into the basement to sift through what was left. She found a small hunting knife that belonged to her father. She held it in her hands and smiled softly as she caressed its sheath with the blade in it. She remembered when she was younger she had picked this up once and received a scolding by both her parents. They told her to never touch anything sharp without permission. Yuki took the knife and clipped it to her side. She then found the radio under a pile of her shirts that she was originally looking for. She sat on the ground and switched it on and began going through the channels until she finally came to a channel that wasn't static.

[This is the Emergency Broadcast Station. A warning to all citizens that are still alive. Creatures of unknown origins have been spotted all over the country. They will attack on sight. If you see such animals, do not approach and try to run away.]

This message repeated over and over and just hearing it made Yuki shiver. "Is it not enough that I have to worry about disappearing, now I have to worry about being attacked by some kind of animal?"

Letting out a sigh, Yuki turned the radio off to save its battery. She decided she would check that station every day until its battery ran out. After she gathered some clothes and what little food and water she could find, she went back to her tent and broke it down. She rolled it up and strapped it to her backpack. It was a heavenly load but for now, she at least had enough to survive for about a week.

She exited her yard and stepped on the broken up road that was now full of holes due to parts of it disappearing and began walking down the street. The road felt eerie because there was not another soul in sight. Yuki pressed forward as the sky overhead began to cloud over. As the clouds gathered, Yuki felt the air around her become hotter and hotter. The temperature went from the cold fall air back to summer in a matter of an hour. It felt like it was 32°c (90°F) out. With the heavy clothes that she was wearing, Yuki quickly started to sweat. "What the hell is this!" Yuki put her bag down and stripped off her layers until she was in a t-shirt. She had been wearing two sweatshirts and two pairs of pants. She then dug through her bag and found a pair of shorts. "I swear if it gets cold again in the next hour, I will shoot the sky."

Yuki carefully looked around here to make sure no one was around, she then went to what used to be a basement of a house and was now nothing more than a dirt pit and jumped down. Only when she was sure no one could see her no matter what, she quickly stripped her pants off and put on the pair of shorts. She then climbed out of the pit and brushed the dirt off her knees before continuing her trip. As she walked she began to feel the need to use the bathroom which made Yuki frown. "Stupid bladder!" She looked around and quickly ran to another dirt pit and huddled behind some wood that was still down there to relieve herself. "Uhg… no toilet paper! At least it wasn't a number two..."

Yuki pulled her pants back up and climbed out of the pit albeit very uncomfortably. Yuki was already really hating this new life. With no destination to go to, Yuki just walked the road with no visible person in sight. She stopped every so often to rest and ate a bit of food. She was doing her best to ration what she had. As night began to fall once again the heat of the day did not let up but the sky that had been cloudy the entire time finally started to release drops of rain.

Yuki realized quickly that these drops of rain were not normal as they fell. They were a golden color, like the balls of golden light that rose into the air as people and things disappeared. Yuki held out her hand and let the drops land on her skin. But to her surprise, the drops did not sit on her skin and roll down like normal raindrops would but actually soaked into her skin. This startled Yuki and made her nervous wondering if this rain was poisonous or not. But with no cover and her tent strapped to her backpack, there was no way to really avoid the rain. She stood still for a few minutes and found that she did not feel bad or anything and to her amazement, the tiredness she felt before was suddenly gone.

"Is this healing rain!?" Yuki mumbled to herself. It was a spell from one of the rpgs she used to play. She would spend the weekend playing it with snacks all around her and Suzu wrapped around her like a koala. In a way, it worked out well because Suzu would feed her and put the straw to her mouth to drink, so she never had to put her controller down. Yuki suddenly felt gloomy again but she was now filled with more energy. She shook her head and looked around to see that the tar of the road held the golden rain and it was not passing through it. This gave Yuki an idea as she took out an empty soda bottle and a piece of paper from her backpack. She couldn't find a funnel while searching for things, so paper was the only thing she could think of that would work when she really needed one. She rolled up the paper into a makeshift funnel and put it at the opening of the bottle and held it up to the sky. By this time the golden rain was coming down pretty heavily. But even still it did not soak her clothes and seemed to pass right through them soaking into her skin.

Yuki had no idea if this golden rain was dangerous or not but she also didn't care. As of now it had washed away her fatigue and allowed her to feel much stronger. As she had hoped, the golden rain was not able to pass through the paper and plastic which allowed her to collect the golden rain into the bottle. The bottle was only two liters, so it filled up fast. Curiosity got the better of Yuki and she picked the bottle up and placed it to her nose and sniffed, it had no smell at all. She then placed it to her lips and tried to take a sip. Only to watch in shock as the entire bottle of golden rain seemed to move on its own and pour into her mouth almost instantly. It had no taste even as it flowed down her throat. She was quite startled but the warm feeling she got after it entered her body actually felt nice. That was until her stomach suddenly started to turn, causing her to quickly run to another dirt pit.

"I liked that shirt too!" Yuki complained as she once again climbed out of a dirt pit. She turned around and gave a little prayer to the shirt she sacrificed.

She looked around her and saw that it was already pretty dark out even with all the golden rain. She looked around and found a flat piece of ground before setting up her tent. She placed her two liter bottle with its makeshift funnel on the ground to collect more of the golden rain before climbing into her tent. She figured if anything she could use it to boost her energy. Although she would first split it up into another bottle and only take a little at a time. She did not want to huddle over the dirty ground again.

As it was her first night alone Yuki was very nervous and her sleep wasn't all that great. The golden rain had stopped throughout the night and it was now hotter than ever out. When Yuki crawled out of the tent she was shocked to see a sky that was changing colors over and over. It went from blue to pink, yellow, green and so on. It got to the point that just staring at it was making her head hurt. Luckily it was only the sky that was changing colors and nothing else. "I guess I will need to find some shade today… It is way too hot..."

The tent was boiling hot due to it acting like a greenhouse. She hoped to find someplace that would have at least a little shade for her to hide under until the cooler air of the night came. Yuki continued her travels dealing with the hot sun and the golden rain. Using the golden rain to keep her going, the fourteenth day since all this began had arrived. As usual, Yuki climbed out of her tent as the sun came up. Even after so many days she had not come across a single living soul never mind any creatures that the emergency broadcast was talking about. She felt herself lucky that she never did.

But on this day she felt that air was much more normal. It was much cooler and seemed to be the perfect temperature. For this, Yuki was very happy because she only had one bottle of water left and a half bottle of golden rain. If it wasn't for this golden rain, Yuki felt she would have died a long time ago. But when she looked at her dwindling supplies she let out a sigh. "Suzu… I may be joining you soon..."

It was a hard thing to think about but Yuki had already come to terms with death. She figured eventually she would end up dying of hunger or thirst. After getting all her stuff together, Yuki went to continue her journey when she felt a strong vibration underfoot. The vibration got stronger and stronger until finally, it knocked Yuki to the ground. "What the hell. An earthquake!?"

She could only be glad that there was nothing around her. The ground shook for almost five minutes before letting up. Yuki slowly got up off the ground and looked around her and saw that things had fallen out of her bag. She took off her bag and set it down. But as she knelt down next to it, the ground underfoot began shaking violently again. It all happened in an instant so Yuki was once again tossed to the ground. But this time her face paled as she heard a loud cracking sound right next to her. The ground to her side began to split apart causing Yuki to quickly back away as fast as she could. Unfortunately due to where the crack was, her bag and all her gear was quickly consumed. But Yuki had no time to worry about that as the ground began to crumble right before her very eyes. She quickly stumbled to her feet and turned in the opposite direction and ran as fast as she could stumbling along the way. She ran and ran for so long that her lungs were burning. "You have to be fucking kidding me!" She yelled out in anger.

All she got in response to her yell was the sound of the ground behind her crumbling away. When the shaking finally stopped, Yuki slowed her pace and collapsed to the ground. She rolled over onto her back and forced herself into a sitting position and that was when she saw it. She guessed she had been running for her life for a good ten minutes. As she gasped for air her eyes shot wide open at the large chasm in front of her. But strange yet was the landmass on the other side seemed to be slowly rising into the air. She could only sit there and watch dumbfoundedly as another fantasy like event happened right in front of her eyes. It started off slow but after some time the landmass sped up higher into the air until it came to a complete stop high in the sky.

Right before her eyes was a floating landmass. Something only seen in fantasy movies and books. "What the hell is happening!?"