
Laying in front of Yuki sprawled out on their stomach was a human… No… A dog? But that was not the oddest thing… The oddest thing were the slimes politely attacking this dog person over and over. "Hey what are you doing!?" Yuki quickly whipped out her hammer and smashed the cute little mischievous slimes into slush.

[Exp] 95/100

But now Yuki was faced with a new fact. She was not alone in this new world. In front of her was a dog eared and tailed person unconscious in front of her. Yuki used the end of her hammer to poke the person lying on the ground. "Uhg! Hungry…." Was the sound the dog person made in response.

Yuki frowned and walked back into her stone house and brought out a handful of her berries, she then placed them next to the dog person's head.

*Sniff!* *Sniff!*

"Food!" The person suddenly shot right up and scooped up the berries into their hand along with grass and dirt and shoved it into their mouth. Surprisingly Yuki could understand what seemed to be a dog girl had said. When they were all gone the dog girl upturned her puppy dog eyes looking at Yuki begging for more. Yuki who had always been soft with animals let out a sigh and gave in and brought out the rest of the berries, she made sure to keep a handful for herself.

Yuki munched on the berries in her hand as she watched the wolf girl gobble down the rest. She saw that the dog girl seemed to be around seventeen to eighteen years of age, not much older than herself. Her long silver hair glistened in the sun. She wore what looked to be animal skin clothing. A sleeveless half-shirt that covered her chest and a leather skirt. Whether she had underwear on or not, Yuki knew very well as her cheeks blushed. It was all in full view with the dog girl sitting crossed legged in front of her.

As the dog girl finished the last of the berries a gurgling sound could be heard coming from her stomach and she instantly looked up at Yuki pitifully. That was when Yuki remembered what these berries do to a person. "I'm sorry! Quickly, come!"

The dog girl nodded her head and followed Yuki into her stone house. Yuki opened the hole in the toilet bench and showed it to the dog girl who smiled brightly, dropped her skirt right here while wagging her tail, and sitting down. Yuki quickly exited the room with blushed cheeks and went outside.

"I hope she isn't going to attack me after I've been this kind to her." Yuki suddenly became nervous. She hoped this wasn't one of those events you see in some rpgs where the villain is posing as some kind of good guy only to wait until your guard is down before stabbing you in the back.

Fifteen minutes went by and Yuki started to become ever more worried when she did not hear anything coming from inside. But out of nowhere she suddenly heard whimpering. Yuki nervously went to the bathroom door and asked: "Are you okay?"

"Nothing!" The wolf girl cried out. Yuki suddenly realized that there was nothing for the dog girl to clean herself with since Yuki had used water to wash up after she went.

"Ahh! Hold on I will find something!" Yuki hurried outside and found some soft leaves. She inspected them first to make sure they were not poisonous and picked a bunch of them. She then ran back into the house. "I opening up okay?"

"Mmm!" The dog girl seemed happy that Yuki came back. Yuki opened the door up and handed the dog girl a batch of leaves who happily took it. Yuki quickly exited the room and waited for her to come out.

"So much better!" The dog girl yelled after exiting the bathroom. Yuki smiled and said: "Come outside so you can wash your hands."

"Okay!" The dog girl happily followed Yuki outside, which in turn Yuki used her magic to let the dog girl wash her hands.

"All set?" Yuki asked.

"All set!" The dog girl yelled out happily before jumping on Yuki knocking her down and licking her face.

"Hey wait what are you!?" Yuki tried to pry the dog girl off but the dog girl's strength was beyond anything Yuki could withstand and in the end, she could only let the dog girl lick her face. She decided to just think of her as a big dog.

When the dog girl was finally satisfied she sat up and looked at Yuki. Only then did Yuki finally get to introduce herself. "My name is Kurihara Yuki, you can just call me Yuki, what's your name?"

"I'm Michi, of the Silver Wolf Tribe!! Yuki is Michi's savior so Michi will stay by Yuki's side. Yuki's scent is soothing." Michi once again jumped on top Yuki this time just snuggling into her neck sniffing away.

"Wait, Michi! I want to ask you something so can you stop for a second please?" Yuki pleaded. She had many questions she wanted to ask.

Michi reluctantly let go of Yuki and sat down as a dog would once again giving Yuki full view of a certain area. Yuki once again began blushing but composed herself and asked: "So you said you are from the Silver Wolf Tribe yes? Are there other races in this world?"

"Hmm? Michi only grew up in the Silver Wolf Tribe, Michi has never seen other tribes. Michi's father tried to marry Michi to an ugly silver wolf, so Michi ran away… Now Michi found Yuki, so Michi will stay with Yuki from now on." Michi said with a bright smile while wagging her tail.

Yuki was stumped. There were never any tribes like the Silver Wolf Tribe on Earth as far as she knew anyway and she was sure this was Earth. Even her bag was stuck to the floating island that she lost before everything changed. "Michi you said you grew up in the Silver Wolf Tribe how old are you?"

"Hmm? It will be eighteen cycles on the next full moon since Michi was born." Michi's answer really confused Yuki.

How was it that Michi has been alive for almost eighteen years but Earth has only changed to what it is now a little over a day ago? Yuki's brain was like an unoiled machine as it came to an abrupt halt. She knew there was no way she could figure any of this out with so little information. She would need to hunt for clues once she has leveled up some. So Yuki decided to go on to the next topic.

"Michi you say you are going to be staying with me?" Yuki was a little happy about this since having Michi, who seemed like a good girl, would keep her from being all alone in this new strange world but she was worried about food…

"Mmm! Michi will always be by Yuki's side!" Once again Michi couldn't control herself and dived on to Yuki and began licking her neck and face.

Yuki who was once again flat on her back let out a sigh as she let the wolf girl lick away. She even petted her head. Michi finally relaxed after a few minutes of licking, letting Yuki back to her feet. Yuki dusted herself off and stretched her arms and legs. Yuki felt that Michi's licking was no different from when she had dogs do it to her before everything changed. She figured keeping Michi around would be more like having a pet. "It's fine if you wish to stay."

Michi suddenly hugged Yuki tightly wagging her tail frantically back and forth. Yuki smiled and patted the girl's head. Michi was a little shorter than Yuki but not by much. "But if you are going to stay here you will need to help me out."

"Mmm! Michi will help! Michi is good at hunting… Just nothing but slimes around here which is why Michi collapsed." Michi frowned and scratched her head.

"Can you catch fish?" Yuki asked. Hopping the answer would be yes.

"Mmm… Michi never fished before but Michi has never missed her prey… Michi has had fish and they taste yummy!" Michi nodded her head. Yuki could already hear her stomach rumbling at the thought of having some fish.

"Then Michi, follow me!" Yuki said as she grabbed Michi's hand and pulled her along as she ran towards the pond. They stopped on the shore and Yuki pointed at the water. "There are a lot of fish in this pond, do you think you can catch them?"

"Michi will give it a try!" Michi suddenly stripped down to nothing and jumped into the water without a care in the world. When she came up she had a fish in her mouth. She swam to the shore and handed it over to Yuki. "Here you go!"

Yuki took the fish and held it tightly as she gulped thinking about how good it would taste to eat some meat. "Michi can you get, like, five more of those!? I will cook them for us, so we can have a good meal!"

"Okay! Leave it to me!" Michi said before diving back into the water. Yuki waited on the shore for her and in no time at all Michi had already caught the rest of the fish.

Yuki stored them in her inventory and excitedly hugged Michi jumping up and down. "Michi that was great!"

Michi blushed a little as she let out an awkward laugh. It seemed she was not used to compliments. Michi got dressed while Yuki cleaned four of the fish, after which Yuki and Michi walked back to her stone house where they both went inside. Yuki was worried about wild animals so she made sure to seal up the entrance. She got a fire going and used her build magic to build a stone grill over the fire. She then used the rock weed she found to give it a bit of spice after which she set the fish onto the grill and waited with great anticipation for it to be cooked.

When she sat down, Michi immediately snuggled up against her, laying her head in Yuki's lap which Yuki found rather cute. She gently began petting the wolf girl's hair, this got Michi's tail wagging. A thought came to Yuki's mind as she tried to appraise Michi.

Michi of the Silver Wolf Tribe [Lvl]: 32

[HP]: 4240/4240

[MP]: 200/200

Yuki's eyes almost popped out of her head when she saw Yuki's Level. But this also confused her. Why couldn't she see the slime's level? But looking at Michi's level and [HP] made Yuki glad she did not do anything mean to Michi when they first met. With her puny 160 [HP] she was sure to die in one hit.

"Michi after I finish setting up our home I will be working on leveling up. I am only level 1 right now..." Yuki said, blushing slightly. Mainly because between Michi's age and level compared to her own, she looked like a total noob.

"Mmm! Michi will protect Yuki from anything Yuki can not defeat..." The latter part of her sentence was much quieter as she seemed to have begun falling asleep from Yuki's pettings. Yuki smiled and felt slightly blessed to have met Michi today. She had no idea how long Michi would stay but as long as she was around she would not be lonely anymore. Yuki looked up at the ceiling and smiled softly and whispered. "Mom, Suzu, I made a new friend… Yuki is not alone anymore..."