Power Leveling

"Who is mating!? This is so others can not look at me. I do not want anyone but the people I allow to even get a glimpse of those areas!" Yuki's face was bright red as she yelled this.

Michi did not seem to understand, but what she did get out of it was that Yuki did not mind her looking at her, which meant Yuki liked Michi. Michi became very happy knowing this and jumped on Yuki. "Michi! That tickles!" Yuki let out a laugh. Michi was licking her entire face but Yuki did not mind. She found Michi's actions cute.

Once Michi had her fill of licking her face, Yuki patted her head and walked over to the bath to drain yesterday's water and clean it out. Yuki was really enjoying having Michi around. Although last night was really intimate, Yuki did not hate it. In fact, she enjoyed it a little too much. Even she was at a loss for words for her sudden addiction of sucking on Michi's neck that had overcome her. But nonetheless, she was mainly happy to not be alone in this new place.

She was still very confused about how Michi had lived almost eighteen years of her life already. She felt this was very strange. She hoped one day she could unravel the whole mystery of what actually caused everything to change. Why did her mother, Suzu, and Suzu's parents all have to disappear? Why was it that she survived while everything else around here did not? She had many questions but no answers to any of them.

After emptying the bathtub and washing it clean, Yuki went over to her stone sink and filled it with water to wash her face. She had gotten a glimpse of herself in her reflection at the pond and found nothing about her had changed. She still looked like the same old Yuki, not that she was complaining. After washing up Yuki began to prepare breakfast. She figured today after the daily chores were done, she would ask Michi to teach her how to fight properly.

It was around mid-day when the daily chores were finally finished and currently Yuki was not having much fun. "Yuki dodge!"

"Ouch! Why are you so damn fast!" Yuki yelled as she was once again smacked in her butt by a slime. She couldn't figure out why it was that these slimes could tell when and where she would slam her hammer down. It was as if they were doing some kind of kage bunshin no jutsu from that famous anime. Because every time Yuki was sure that the damn cute little slimes were under her hammer just before it hit.

"Yuki stop closing your eyes! When you close your eyes your aim goes off leaving an opening for them to dodge and attack." Michi had watched Yuki this entire time and every time she attacked her eyes would close and the slime would simply roll to the side with ease because Yuki's aim would go slightly off.

"Okay!" Yuki yelled and this time she made sure to keep her eyes open as she swung her hammer down. Because she had always closed her eyes at the last second she had not realized that the slime would roll to the side just barely escaping danger. She was able to adjust for this just before impact squishing the adorable little slime to slush in one hit.

[Exp] 0->5/120

"Michi! I did it!" Yuki happily jumped up and down now that she knew she could kill a slime with little effort. She ran over to Michi and hugged her tight, even kissing Michi's lips in her excitement. This was something she would do from time to time with Suzu and right now she had done it out of force of habit. "Ahh… Sorry..."

"Hmm? Why is Yuki sorry?" Michi tilted her head to the side in confusion.

"Ahh, because I kissed you without thinking..." Yuki blushed and lowered her head.

"Kiss? Like this?" Michi grabbed Yuki's chin and licked Yuki's lips over and over.

"Huh?" Now it was Yuki's turn to be confused. 'So Michi had been kissing me the entire time? So when she licked my lips last night it was meant to be a kiss.' Yuki got lost in thought and realized that maybe different races had different ways of kissing. "I see… Michi, what I did not just was how a human kisses someone."

"Yuki, not like kissing Michi?" Michi's ears and tail drooped down and her lip began to pout. This was an instant arrow to Yuki's heart who loved animals as it was and when you mixed animals with a cute girl like Michi it was a double attack.

Flustered Yuki waved her hands about as she said. "No, no, I like Michi's kisses! And I like kissing Michi too!"

"Yuki will continue to kiss Michi?" Michi's ears perked up.

"Yes of course! See, watch!" To prove her point Yuki kissed Michi on the lips again. Which was returned by her lips being licked by Michi. "We okay now?"

"Mmm! Michi likes Yuki and Yuki likes Michi!" Michi said happily her tail wagging back and forth.

Yuki let out a sigh of relief. She did like Michi. She did not mind Michi's kisses either. But most of all, she did not want to be alone, even if she was being selfish."And Yuki likes you to Michi!"

With things okay between the two again, Yuki continued her quest to learn how to fight. Now that she was able to kill slimes in one hit, it looked as if she was playing a one sided game of whack a mole.


Kurihara Yuki [Lvl]: 2->3

[HP]: 180/170->180

[MP]: 110/100->110

Attack Power: 60->70(270)

Strength: 6->7(27)

Magic Power: 30->40

Intelligence: 3->4

Mind: 10->11

Vitality: 17->18

Defense: 1

Magic Resist: 0

Speed: 4->5

Evasion: 4->5

Magic Evasion: 2->3

"I leveled up!" Yuki shouted happily. She looked at the information of her level up and still felt a little depressed that she was not getting much along the lines of stats. "Now it is 200 more experience until my next level. That is a big jump… I guess killing slimes will not cut it."

Yuki turned to Michi and asked: "Michi, are there stronger monsters nearby, that I can fight at my level?"

"There are horned rabbits to the west but it will take two ticks of the sun to get there." Michi replied. But Yuki had no idea what the hell two ticks were.

"Michi if we were to go out there, would we be able to make it back home before dark?" Yuki hoped it was not too far. She wasn't ready to camp out just yet.

"Hmm..." Michi looked up at the sun and then the direction the horned rabbits were in and nodded her head. "We can go for maybe three ticks before needing to come back."

With Michi's explanation, Yuki now understood that a tick was around an hour. So it would be a seven hour trip altogether. "Alright let's go then!"

The two girls set off. Yuki looked around at everything making sure to inspect what she could as they made their way. She also of course killed many slimes as well.

[Exp]: 0->50/200

"Hiyah!" Yuki shouted as she finished off another slime.

*Cheepp!* *Cheepp!* *Cheepp!* *Cheepp!* *Cheepp!*

"Yuki watch out!" Michi yelled as she jumped in front of Yuki and sliced the air in front of her with her hands: "Cross Cut!"

Right as five horned rabbits came flying out of the bushes ten beams of red arced light flew through the air shredding the rabbits in half. Yuki who was just saved face paled. She had been able to appraise the horned rabbits before they had died.

Horned Rabbit [Lvl]: 7

[HP]: 580/580

[MP]: 200/200

"They are all level 7!" Yuki had just hit level 3 it was basically suicide for her to try to fight a level 7 horned rabbit never mind five!

"Yuki, we can make things from horned rabbit hide and horns. Their meat is not the best but it is edible. Michi rather not eat it though..." Michi explained.

Yuki now understood why if horned rabbits were only a few hours away, why Michi had collapsed. She was a picky eater! At this time though Yuki was more worried about fighting these horned rabbits at her level. But that was when Yuki realized something. "Michi, how come I can see the horned rabbit's level but not the slimes level?"

"Slimes are level 0, so they will not show their level." Yuki almost collapsed.

So this meant the entire time she had been getting her butt kicked by a level 0 monster!? Yuki hung her head low. She was really getting beaten up by slimes. A level 0 slime had even made her pee herself! "Yuki, I will tank the horned rabbits. You hit them with your hammer when I tell you to okay?"

"Mmm. " Yuki was feeling depressed but she needed her levels. With Michi tanking the horned rabbits, things would be much quicker.

"Area taunt!" Michi suddenly yelled out. When she did seven rabbits appeared out of nowhere and all pounced toward Michi. "Earthen Armor!"

Yuki watched in amazement as Michi used her skills. The earthen armor caused the earth under Michi to rise up and form over her skin, hardening into armor, and protecting her from the attacks. "Yuki now!"

Yuki broke out of her daze, raised her hammer, and slammed it down over and over.

*Ding!* *Ding!*

Kurihara Yuki [Lvl]: 3->5

[HP]: 180/180->230

[MP]: 110/110->160

Attack Power: 70->120(320)

Strength: 7->12(32)

Magic Power: 40->90

Intelligence: 4->9

Mind: 11->16

Vitality: 18->23

Defense: 1

Magic Resist: 0

Speed: 5->10

Evasion: 5->10

Magic Evasion: 3->5

[Exp]: 0->5/430

[Skill: Ground Slam Obtained]

[Obtained: Horned Rabbit Tunic]

"Michi are you okay?" Yuki asked as she tried to catch her breath. She swung the hammer so many times in rapid succession making sure the horned rabbits were dead as quickly as she could. She was worried Michi would get hurt.

"Michi fine, Yuki, you got an item from killing one of those horned rabbits. And you got two levels congratulations, Yuki!" Michi said, cheered. Yuki looked at her messages at the bottom right of her screen and almost cried seeing the big boost in points.

"Oh, I got a skill too! Ground Slam! Should make things easier." Yuki was happy she got a new skill. Although she had a lot of magic spells, Michi told her to concentrate on melee combat first only then would starting ranged combat be a good idea when you learn to read an enemy's movements.

[Ground Slam]

[Damage 50-100]

[Mana Cost 3]

[Slams the ground causing a wave of energy, basting everything in 3 meters around impact point]

Yuki ignored the skill for now and focused on the new item she got.

[Horned Rabbit Tunic]

[Defense: 35]

[Magic Resist: 5]

[Vitality: 5]

[Speed: 1]

Yuki saw the stats on the horned rabbit tunic and smiled brightly. She quickly equipped it to see what it looked like. It was basically a white t-shirt that only went down to just above her belly button. The material was very sturdy though so Yuki could see why it would give defense. "Finally a new shirt. Now I just need some pants and underwear!"

"Yuki, Michi will make you some later." Michi said while she went to work gutting and skinning rabbits. Well, what was left of them anyway. Yuki's hammer basically squashed them into meat patties.

"Thanks, Michi! When your done, will you be okay to do that again?" Yuki asked excitedly. This whole process reminded her of power leveling in MMOs. It was kind of cheating but it did help a lot. And right now the thing Yuki needed the most was levels.

"Mmm! Go! Go!"