An Annoying Little Bird

Both Yuki and Michi looked up to see the annoying little bird flying overhead. Yuki could have sworn she saw it smile mockingly at her. "You dare hurt Michi's Yuki!?" Michi was mad. She had finally got to kiss Yuki passionately and now this annoying little bird had come to disrupt their moment! "Yuki, stay here Michi will take revenge!"

"What!? Stupid demi-human what can you do to me!? Ahaha! I feel one coming on, how about I bird bomb you! Ahahaha!" The annoying little bird let out a deranged laugh as a white substance rained down from its butt.


Michi who had just jumped up into the air was hit square in the face causing her to fall back down to the branch. "Stupid Bird!"

"What!? How dare you call me stupid! Take this and this!" Like speedy projectiles, more white substances kept shooting out of the annoying little bird's butt down at the two girls.

Yuki and Michi were not having a good time. It was getting in their hair and on their clothes and skin. "Ugh! It stinks! What the hell is with this bird! Fireball!" Yuki yelled out shooting a fireball at the bird. She had had enough of this annoying little bird.

"Ahhh! Hot! Stupid human! You wish to burn down my tree and me along with it!?" The fireball had singed his beautiful blue tail feathers. The annoying little bird quickly turned towards Yuki and went for another diving attack…

A few seconds later…

"Hey, pretty ladies can we not talk about this?" Michi had snagged the annoying little bird right out of the air when it dived at Yuki and now had it captive in her hand. Just the slightest squeeze would take its little bird life.

"Oh? Now you wish to talk things out? What happened to all that gusto you had earlier when you were pecking my head and shitting on us!?" Yuki yelled as she was rinsing her hair out with water magic.

"Hehe… it was a joke, a simple joke..." The annoying little bird was now internally cursing itself for thinking too highly of itself.

"Hmm, Michi, hungry! Since I have dinner in my hand, I will cook us some fresh bird stew. Yuki, are you okay with bird stew?" Michi asked, ignoring the look of horror on the annoying little bird's face.

"Yeah, bird stew sounds good. We haven't had any breakfast yet so we can roast this little bird. He seems fat enough." Yuki said with an evil grin. She wanted vengeance! She had never been shit on before!

"Hold on ladies! There seems to be some misunderstanding here." The annoying little bird suddenly changed his tone, his little eyes became watery, he looked very pitiful. "You see I was born with bad eyesight. And now that I see the two of you up close, you are not the ones who tried to harm my tree. You see this was one big understanding. I wholeheartedly and sincerely apologize for my actions."

"I wish I had barbeque sauce. Although I am not sure if this bird will taste like chicken." Yuki said as she began preparing a small fire on the tree branch, completely ignoring the annoying little bird's drama act.

"Yuki, what is barbeque?" Michi replied a little bit of drool running down her chin.

"Hey! Ladies! Listen to me here! I apologized right!?" The annoying little bird suddenly felt something hot on its back and screamed out in pain. "Ahhh! Wait! When did you tie me to a stick!? Fine! Fine! You damn stupid human and demi human, I will haunt you in my next life!"

"There you go, it was about time you began acting yourself. Now tell me why did you suddenly attack me!?" Yuki had Michi pulled the annoying little bird off the fire and grinned at it. She did not feel right eating anything that could talk. Well, she at least did not want to hear it talk in front of her anyway.

"Humph!" The annoying little bird ignored Yuki and in return, Yuki nodded her head signaling for Michi to put it back on the fire. "Ahh! Hot! Damnit! If you dirty humanoids were not mating in my tree, I would not have attacked you! Stupid normies! You act just like the other male birds who have partners! Always matting in front of others! I bet you did it on purpose knowing the great I, has never had a female a day in his life. You deserved to be shitted on by me!"

"That's it fry him!" Yuki yelled she was sick of listening to this stupid bird.

"Waiiiiiiitttt!!!!! I can show you where a treasure is!" The annoying little bird yelled out in desperation all the while in its mind it was thinking: 'Hehe! You have no idea how many suckers tried to enter that place and died!'

Michi's hand paused when she heard the word treasure. Yuki's eyes flashed a little. Yuki looked at Michi and Michi looked at Yuki and the two nodded their heads."We will let you show us the way."

"Then you should let me go!" The annoying little bird yelled.

"Nope. You will stay like that until we get to where the treasure is." Yuki announced. She was not going to let this annoying little bird go. Not after it had shat on her. But now she was completely soaked from head to toe after washing herself off with water magic. she hoped the walk through the jungle would dry her off. She looked at Michi who was still covered in bird crap and felt terrible that she had not yet offered to help her wash it all off. "Michi, sorry! I will wash off the bird crap now, keep your eyes closed."

"Mmm… Thank you, Yuki" Michi was grateful she did not like the fact she was covered in bird crap. The annoying little bird kept its mouth shut while Yuki washed Michi off. He was afraid if he said anything else, the two girls would decide to say screw the treasure and just cook him instead. He may have a bird brain but he was not a stupid bird. He had not survived all this time for no reason.

After Michi was cleaned of bird crap, Yuki and Michi cooked up some fish and began feasting. The little annoying bird looked at the fish in the girls' hands and gulped hard. "Ahh… I haven't eaten for five days… Oh, woe is me. Sob, sob, sob, peek. Sob, sob, sob, peek..."

Yuki did not know if the bird was doing it on purpose but who would actually say sob, sob, peek? She tore off a piece of fish and put it next to the annoying little bird's head so he could gobble it up. "Just because I do not want you begging for food with those stupid eyes."

"Humph! Like I would… Nom! Nom! Eat anything you… Nom! Nom! Give to me… Nom! Nom!" The fish disappeared quite quickly.

"Yuki, Michi thinks this bird is not very bright..." Michi said as she finished off her food.

"Yeah, but his actions are at least amusing. I wonder how funny birds taste?" Yuki looked at the annoying little bird and licked her lips, causing the annoying little bird to shiver.

With breakfast finished the girls got themselves ready and put out the fire. Michi grabbed the stick the annoying little bird was tied to and propped it up on her shoulder. She then grabbed Yuki by the waist and jumped back down to ground level.

"Quickly show us the way." Michi demanded and shook the annoying little bird violently.

"Ahh! Stop shaking me! How can I know which way is which with you shaking me!?" The annoying little bird's head was spinning around from having his brain jogged all over the place. Michi spat on the ground and grunted. "Humph!"

The annoying little bird began giving them directions which took the girls deeper into the forest. Along the way, they surprisingly did not meet up with any monsters. Which both girls found strange. "Where are all the monsters?" Yuki finally asked.

"Did you not see the Rock Lizards migration? Is that not why you two ended up in the forest? Stupid human. Don't even… Ahhh!!! Stop shaking me!" The annoying little bird cried out.

"Don't be mean to Yuki!" Michi warned the annoying little bird who lowered its head in submission.

Since no monsters were around for the time being the trip went very smoothly and they reached their destination as dusk was setting in. But what stood before them was not what they were expecting. It was not a cave or some kind of hidden treasure chest hidden in a tree. It was a large temple with forest overgrowth covering it. There was even a large tree that had grown its roots around it making it completely hidden unless someone ventured into the forest to find it.

There were black stone statues of strange creatures that Yuki had never seen before. There were also many weird humanoid shape statues that had large wings on their back and bird like faces. They held what looked to be spears in their hands and many were in different warrior like poses. Yuki could only guess this was an ancient temple of some kind.

"This is the place, now let me go!" The annoying little bird demanded.

"Mmm, after we get the treasure." Yuki replied, then motioned to Michi. Michi nodded and extended her arm that was holding the annoying little bird out in front of her and the two walked towards the entrance of the temple.

"Hey wait!? What are you doing!? Ahhh! I don't want to go!!!!" The annoying little bird cried out.

Both Yuki and Michi stopped moving forward and looked at the panicking bird. "I see… So it seems this temple is dangerous."

"Michi can smell an ominous smell coming from inside." Michi wrinkled her nose and furrowed her brow.

"Well, we came this far we can at least check it out but not right now. The sky is getting dark again. Michi where do you think we should set up camp?" Yuki asked. She relied on Michi for these things since she knew nothing about this world.

"Mmmm… Michi thinks we should climb up on this root and camp near the top of the temple. It has a few parts carved out that we can use to stay out of sight." Michi had already figured Yuki would want to camp for the night when they arrived and had already scoped out the area, looking for the safest place for them to rest.

"Then we will do that, Michi if you would." Yuki reached up and hooked her arms around Michi's neck and kissed her cheek. Michi smiled and wrapped her arm around Yuki's waist and then jumped up onto the large root, using it as a ramp to reach their destination. All the while the annoying little bird mumbled something about dirty this and dirty that, very quietly to himself.