Hollow Reign: Seeking those Found

From that point on Ren began to traverse the forest while experimenting with her connection to nature, in search for a water source as well as more information regarding her current situation.


Pausing slightly, Ren felt as if someone or something was coming her way.

'I should hide for now, regardless if it's a person or a monster I need to first assess the situation.' Ren thought to herself, not realizing that her increase in attribute points had already began to affect her.

Sensing a grouping of large bushes nearby, Ren quickly hide amongst them as she awaited whatever she was sensing to make it's appearance.



Before long the sounds drew close and she could distinguish faint mumbling sounds which were reminiscent of a human's voice.

"I..ho…we can…her…" One of the voices heard. Judging by the tone of the voice, Ren determined that it belonged to a female.

"We will. No we must! Otherwise their majesties will kill us." Another voice was heard, this time one which was deep and gruffy, belonging to a male.

Due to them getting closer to her location the voices had become clearer which had allowed Ren to finally hear what was being said.

Still the information she gathered wasn't enough to distinguish if they were friend of foe.

"Hmm…Shh!" Ren heard the female suddenly shush the male as silence descended the area.


Halting her breathing as much as she could, Ren tried extremely hard to not make a sound.

Time passed slowly as seconds felt like minutes, and minutes felt like hours.

'What happened?? It's been minutes yet I haven't heard any movements…' Still not daring to leave the cover of her bushes, Ren was worried about what caused the voices to grow quiet.

At this point, Ren had almost completely forgot that fact that she was playing a game.

Deciding that she had waited around to long as it is, Ren knew that she needed to move along soon to find a water source otherwise it wouldn't be long before she grew dehydrated.

Coming to terms with her inner voices, one which was telling her to stay put and the other telling her to move, Ren finally lifted her foot for the first time in what felt like hours.

Exiting the bushes that she had used as cover, Ren still felt no movement in the surroundings.

Relieved Ren quietly left the area as she resumed her search for water putting the event that just happened behind her.



Hearing the two distinct sounds, Ren's instincts began to scream at her to move. Leaning her body back as much as she could Ren began falling backwards, however the split second decision allowed her to move her head out of the arrows flight path.

*Thunk!* The arrow imbedded itself nearly halfway into a tree nearby.

"Ugh!" Groaning due to the hard impact of her rear hitting the ground, Ren quickly got over herself as she stood in a hurry before preparing to run.


Letting her instincts take over once more in an attempt to dodge the sharp, metallic smelling sword which was aiming for her neck. Ren bent her back to a nearly 90 degree angle until her body was parallel to the ground, while sliding on her feet from her earlier forward momentum.

Due to Ren being largely unprepared and inexperienced though, the sword found purchase with her hood as it sliced cleanly though before just barely missing her face.

Carried by her momentum, Ren tucked her arms and legs in as the hit the ground hard before rolling a few feet.

"Wait Rydrix!! It's the princess!" Shouted the female voice from earlier as she got a clear look of the girl face when her companion cut through her hood slightly.

"What!?!" The man exclaimed as he forcefully redirected his next sword strike into the dirt so as to avoid striking the clearly weakening girl. He could tell that she had used all she had to dodge their first two attacks so he had planned to strike a blow to incapacitate her while her guard was down before interrogating her in an attempt to find information about the princess.

Yet to think the one they were looking for, was also the one whom they attacked.

"Ugh!" Groaned the man as he suffered from the backlash of forcefully redirecting his strike.

After dodging the mans sword strike which had torn her hood, Ren noticed that her body wasn't able to hold up any longer. Her ears were ringing and all she could hear beyond it was the intense thumping of her heart. Feeling the possible threat of death looming over her, Ren attempted to run in a last ditch effort to survive.

'After everything I went through growing up! No! I can't die yet!' She screamed in her mind as she put every last ounce of her willpower into her legs.


Thankfully the next strike didn't land like she thought it would and she was barely able to stumble onto her feet before turning and running in a random direction, trying her best to avoid the trees.

"Wait! Princess!" The woman shouted before chasing after Ren leaving her companion behind.

"Ahh f**k! UGHHH" Ignoring the pulsating pain in his arms, the man sheathed his sword before sprinting after his companion.

"Hu…hu…hu" Ren huffed as she ran in a desperate attempt for air. She felt like she was suffocating. Wanting nothing more then to give up and accept her fate. Yet she knew if she did that, it would be all over. Her mama and papa, her brother Liam, her beloved family who meant the world to her. She didn't want to say goodbye to them. She didn't want to die yet.

Tears began to trickle down from her blank eyes, as she thought to herself 'mommy, daaddy, Liamm…save me…*hick* I don't want to die…*hick*…'

Yet she knew she was reaching the end of what her limited endurance could handle. This caused her to sink even deeper in her fears.


Tripping over a root, Ren lost all sense of being for a brief moment as her thoughts halted all together.


Hearing a voice cry out in despair, Ren could only think to herself 'Mama?' before her body hit the ice cold water and blacked out.

Watching her princess, whom she had been tasked with protecting since she was a child, plummet off the cliff face into the rapids below the woman didn't know what to do at that moment. It was as if her soul had left her body only allowing her to stair blankly at the spot she disappeared from her view fearing it was for the last time.

"Rachel! Where is the princess?" Her companion Rydrix said as he finally caught up to her.

"Hey?" Seeing her staring at something, Rydrix moved closer until he was finally able to see the cliff in front. It was well hidden behind bushes and if it wasn't for the sound of rushing water it would be nearly impossible to know there was a small canyon there.

Looking over the ledge for a moment before looking back at his companion, Rydrix finally got a good look at her face.

Calling It pale would be an understatement, it was as if her soul had left her body.

Realization dawned on Rydrix as he looked back at the river below.

His knees began to buckle as he felt like he was going to break.

'No! You can't break here Rydrix Velmon! You are a knight which serves His Royal Highness!' Using all his willpower, Rydrix kept his knees straight as he silently blinked his forming tears away.

"…Rachel…head back to the capital…" Rydrix said with a heavy tone.

Awakening from her stupor, Rachel registered in her mind what he just said.

"…You did not just ask me that…HOW CAN I LIVE WITH MYSELF KNOWING SHE'S GONE BECAUSE OF ME!" Rachel screamed while tears pooled out of her eyes uncontrollably.

"Rachel…as your superior…I'm ordering you to return to the capital and inform His Royal Highness of the situation. Ask him to gather men to search the river banks. I will stay here and start searching for her while sending out my mana occasionally to act as a beacon for the troops to find the river." Rydrix spoke calmly as he gave out orders, despite his emotions being a mess.

Dumbfounded, Rachel could do nothing but stay back into Rydrix eyes which displayed their seriousness.

"Rydrix…" Understanding what he was implying, Rachel grew slightly hopeful, as she prayed for her princess's survival.

"Please let me be the one to stay! I don't think I will be able to leave this river until I see her…" Rachel said with determination.


"Rydrix please!" Rachel cried out.

"It's exactly because of that mentality that I will not allow you to stay. You currently are not in the state to carry out this mission with a clear mind. Return to the capital immediately, we don't have time to waste. This is an order Miss Lockgrove." Ryker demanded.

Unable to do anything to sway his mind, Rachel knew this wasn't the time to argue. The most time they wasted the more dangerous the situation could be for the princess.

Gritting her teeth, Rachel spoke in a hushed, gritty voice "Affirmative…" before rushing in the direction of her home, the Capital City of the Elven race, Lothjorn.