Author's Page

***This page will contain spoilers so if you are not caught up in the story, please skip ahead***

Hello everyone, this page will be dedicated towards interacting with you all.

I will sometimes post polls and/or questions which you guys may comment on below.

If you have general questions for me, or suggestions about the future progress of the story, this is the place to do so.

This will make things easier on me as well as you all by allowing those who have found this book later on but have questions or idea's to express their thoughts.

If the book is on page 100, yet someone comments a really good idea on chapter 10, I might miss it. I am only human though so please don't be upset if your idea doesn't get implemented into the story.

I have already planned many paths in which the story could be taken down depending on multiple factors.

I wish to create an immersive and evolving world that progresses as the story goes on.

Anyways that's enough for now. I look forward to our future together!
