

Will: Huh? Who's there?

SYSTEM: Host get up. Come on get up you've got 5 minutes before you're born!

It took me a couple of seconds to register what I'd just been told. I was still in a daze from my 6 month long snooze.

Will: Yeah..Yeah I know, I'm about to be born again..... Wait a second something about that doesn't seem right. Shit, I'm about to be fucking born again.


SYSTEM: Would host like to see his new updated stats?

Will: ....o-Okay, I guess.




STR: 0.1->46

EDR: 0.4->54


CON: 0.3->28

INT: 22->52

WIS: 20->50

CHA: 13->MAX

MAG: 0->45


Will: Damn, once again system you always deliver the goods!

SYSTEM: Thanks for the praise. Also, by the way thought you may want to know this but, you have about a minute before birth.

Will: What?!?! You, didn't think to tell me this whatsoever! What the hell!?!?

SYSTEM: Good luck host I shall be disconnecting from you for a while. Goodbye...


Will: You fucking shithead! You're just running away you, bitch!!!

Fuck, my rage is literally boiling over inside of me. I swear when the system gets back I'm gonna let a hailstorm of insults fly straight at it's face.

.....Guess, I just gotta wait till I'm born then.... Hey, um so do you remember that off hand comment I made earlier about how this feels claustrophobic. Well now it's about 500 times worse I have flesh baring down on me from all sides. This use of pressure to slowly birth me wouldn't have been as awkward if I wasn't fully aware of what was going on. You know, it's kinda funny really I mean, I thought I was losing my mind when I started hearing muffled voices. But, turns out that just means I'm one step closer to my freedom from this prison of flesh. .....After my body had made it half way through I started to hear those voices from earlier a lot clearer.

???: Come, on Ms.Reinhardt just give me one last push and we're done.

(mom?): O-okay.. aughh..i-it hurts so fucking bad.

Well, obviously after hearing that there was only one thing left to do. What was that? You may be asking, to brace myself of course. I felt one more burst of pressure before I came out with a little *pop*. I think I might have a fat head...hopefully not.

I thought the most annoying part of being born was finally over but, fuck was I wrong.

The doctor proceeded to lift me up holding me by one leg and he promptly gave me a swift slap on the ass. This, for those that don't know was to make me cry so they could see if I was breathing right. Now, I expected the slap to feel unpleasant but, goddamn does it hurt a lot more than I thought.

Against the medical staffs expectations instead of crying I shouted gibberish.

Will: Uk Ouo( fuck you)

Other than the slight surprise towards that they followed the rest of the procedure down to the T. After all that, they finally returned me to my mother. Who, quite frankly looked dead tired. Now, you may be wondering what does my mother look like well, here. She looks almost like a doll with thin eyebrows, a button up nose, tiny dimples, Crystal blue eyes and long black hair.

When, I was resting in mother's arms as she cradled me, my Mother came up with my new name.

Mom: I'll name you....Will.

Will: "Hell yeah, that's what I'm talking about. Same name

A nurse came by after a few minutes

nurse: Ms.reinhardt I'll take Will off your hands so you can get some rest. I'm gonna go put him in the nursery with all the other newborn's.

Mom: Alright, I am extremely tired. Goodbye, for now my little angel.

My mom gave me one last look before passing me off to the nurse. After that I was brought straight to the nursery to an empty crib with my name on it. Now, try and guess what I saw on the side of my crib.

I'll wait for you to answer..... I can't hold it I have Ben and Gwen Tennyson on the sides of my bed. How, lucky is that I mean seriously maxed Luck doesn't play around. I have the same birthday as both Gwen and Ben not only that but my crib is right next to theirs that's some serious stuff right there. Well, anyways there wasn't much to do after I was placed into my crib besides sleeping....


10 years later

Will: Mommm, this is so boring... when will we get there?

Mom: In due time son. Gosh, you're so impatient for once I wish you'd have just a little bit more patience.

Will: But, Mom we're never gonna get there we've been driving for 2 days to get to this national park.

Mom: Sure, we will honey. I'm fairly positive that we'll be there in no time!

Will: Ha, yeah right, fat chance. It ain't happening ever.

Mom: Hey, look there it is we're here!

Will: Yeah..Yeah I'm sure we're here.....Holy crap! We actually made it in this turtle of an RV!

Mom turned to me looking me dead in the eyes with a smirk

Mom: Told ya, I was right wasn't I?

Will:! You got this right through pure luck.

Mom: Yeah... Okay, whatever you need to tell yourself to make yourself feel better.

After a little more bantering back and forth we finally finished unpacking. Now, as a Ben 10 fanatic I obviously know what's gonna happen today. Plus, this can also act as a cover for why I have an omnitrix and who knows maybe I'll be able to travel with Gwen, Ben, and their Uncle Max. That'd be awesome, I just don't know how I'd go about convincing mom. Well, I'll think about it later let's go find Ben and Gwen.

.....So turns out they never actually go outside which is exactly the opposite of what the tv show told me because they were always outside. And you know, some people may think that's alright just look for the RV. Well, it's kinda fucking hard when you have seven lookalike RVs that are all shit quality. Guess, what that means, that's right I have to knock on every single one of those RV doors. With the added bonus of a really awkward fucking conversation. On an unrelated note for any interested the little bitch ass system came back and it did so a long time ago.

Whatever, time to start aknocken....

....of fucking course its gonna be the last goddamn RV. Guess, it doesn't really matter anymore know since I've gone this far already.



.....*RATTLE RATTLE*....