Ye Jian

The morning was cold - despite the sun trying its' best to warm the ground up, it barely managed to raise the temperature from night. The dirt road, paved by all the people walking on it, was muddy from the night rain. The cold, fresh air managed to worm its' way into a small home through the cracks in the roof. The interior was dark and cold, with last embers of a fire shining in the fireplace, yet not giving off any warmth. In a dark room without any windows, the coldness made it feel alien and desolate. On the floor laid what looked like a pile of blankets, with some clothes thrown haphazardly to the side. All of a sudden, the weird pile of blankets moved, and a small groan was heard from within.

Meng Li was once again woken up by the system - the normally quiet message was like a bolt of lightning striking across a dark void in his dreamless sleep.

[The woman you wanted to keep an eye on is giving birth.]

At first, Meng Li was dissatisfied. Although he didn't have any dreams, he very much enjoyed the sleep. Under the blankets, he was warm and cozy, and even without his superior senses, he could feel that outside of them, it was much colder. However, in merely a few seconds, his muddled mind had finally woken up and processed the system's message. That was it! That was the reason he came here in the first place. Meng Li wanted to jump up in joy. However, the moment he tried to move, he couldn't help but groan. His posture was... horrendous. His sleeping body had contorted in ways he didn't think were possible. You see, while his entire body was strengthened, it turned out that his offensive capabilities were strengthened more than defensive ones. Thus, he could much more easily harm himself with his strength. As such, while moving in his sleep, he unknowingly tortured his joints, stretching them way beyond their normal limits. It was weird that he wasn't awoken from the pain, but now that he had woken up and finally tried to move, his joints protested. The unexpected pain caused him to groan.

Meng Li removed the blanket covering him and stood up. His face was quite contorted from pain, but it wasn't painful enough to warrant anything more than a frown. As he stood up, he took the chance to stretch. Although it was painful, it was also relaxing. After a few minutes of stretches, Meng Li felt it was enough, and put on his familiar white robes. They were spotless, as always.

Upon walking out, Meng Li rekindled the flames in the fireplace by putting some firewood in. With a few blows, the fire was going strong. A moment before walking out, Meng Li remembered something. He used the excuse that he had a fever to sleep for the past few days, so he had to use a disguise. His shoulders, normally pulled back, slouched forward slightly, while his face looked worse for wear. All in all, he looked quite sickly. However, this made him remember something else.

[Three days.]

Meng Li couldn't help but sigh. He had gotten into somewhat of a routine the past few days, and suddenly skipping three days was... Meng Li didn't quite know how to describe the feeling he got. It was like... Disappointment? Yes, that's the word.

However, Meng Li had more important things to worry about than his emotions at the moment. He walked out of his small home and looked at the sky. It was morning, but not exactly early. All of the people in the surrounding homes probably went to their respective jobs, Ye Jin included. The road was full of puddles, and if a part of the road wasn't a puddle, it was mud. It seemed that it rained during the night, and the rain was quite intense. Meng Li frowned, but the frown disappeared quickly.

He walked from his tiny porch down the stairs to the road. His shoes were simple, white cloth shoes, but when he came to Qingshui town, he also wore simple wooden sandals. As he walked, the sandals didn't sink deeply into the soft mud, barely even leaving a mark. He walked without caring for puddles or mud, with his sandals and cloth shoes remaining perfectly clean.

He walked towards Ye Jin's house and quickly arrived near the house entrance. He politely knocked on the door, but no one answered. He waited for a few seconds before using Spiritual Sense. He saw that Xie Ja was laying on the bed, her face covered with sweat. She seemed to be in pain. He was quite worried at that point, but he knocked once again, this time a bit louder.

In a few seconds, he heard Xie Ja's voice coming from the inside.

"Excuse me please, I can't answer the door. But could you call Auntie Wang, please?" Her weak voice barely made it past the door, but Meng Li managed to understand it.

Auntie Wang was an older woman living a few houses from him. He met her when he was meeting the people in the neighbourhood, but he didn't quite know why Xie Ja wanted to call her. However, he still went to Auntie Wang's house. This time, his steps were a bit hurried, unlike previously, where they were calm and steady. Some water even splashed onto his robes, but it simply flowed down without leaving a mark.

He reached Auntie Wang's house in no time, and hurriedly knocked on the door. It seemed like someone was inside, as the door was opened practically immediately.

The person who opened the door was a plump older woman, with many wrinkles. She looked kind and welcoming, and her face had a gentle smile.

"Oh, hello young man. Your name is Meng Li, right? What did you come for this time? Come in, let's talk inside." She talked quickly, overwhelming Meng Li with questions.

"Hello Auntie Wang. I visited Xie Ja, and she told me to call you. Could we please go there? I'm quite worried." Meng Li hurriedly exclaimed.

"Xie Ja? Oh, that young lass... Wait, she told you to call me?! That time must've come... Oh no, we have to hurry!" Auntie Wang's face went through a mixture of emotions extremely quickly, before finally settling on worry. She quickly turned around and ran inside her small house before grabbing a small box and rushing out. She hurriedly ran towards Xie Ja's house, lifting her simple dress with one hand and holding the box with the other. She rushed without a care for the dirty road, staining her dress despite holding it up.

Meng Li was worried and rushed after her. He wasn't running, but was not much slower than Auntie Wang. His robe remained spotless.

As he reached Xie Ja's house, he saw that Auntie Wang had already unceremoniously opened the door and rushed in. He continued in, following the trail of mud Auntie Wang left. He finally reached a closed door which led to the bedroom. As he reached out to open the door, he suddenly heard Auntie Wang shout from behind the door.

"Don't come in, you won't be of any help. Better go and get Ye Jin, that little brat. Where is he at such an important moment for his wife?! Heavens, he better not let me catch him or I'll let him know how he should treat his wife!"

She sounded extremely annoyed. Meng Li stopped the hand he reached out to open the door. He agreed with her - even if he came in, he wouldn't be of any help. Instead, he looked outside. Ye Jin was probably on the cliff face gathering herbs - he was what people on earth would call a 'workaholic'. However, Meng Li still extended his Spiritual Sense there in order to find him.

He didn't manage to reach the cliff face before he found Ye Jin. The man was currently running towards the town with a worried expression. It seemed like he got a feeling that something was happening. Meng Li couldn't help but be amazed at how great a human's instinct was at times. However, he still ran out of Xie Ja's house and started running to the city gate in order to meet Ye Jin mid way.

He met him on the road paved by herb gatherers. His expression was still worried, but he wasn't running. He seemed to be tired. When he noticed Meng Li, his expression changed to one of surprise.

"Brother Meng? What are you here for?" he couldn't help but ask. For the past few days, Meng Li remained holed up in his small house with a fever - he wasn't expecting to see him here.

"Oh, brother Ye, you're here. You need to come back quickly, sister Xie is giving birth." Meng Li pretended to be surprised before relaying the new to Ye Jin. Ye Jin's face changed immediately. He started running towards the city, shouting at Meng Li.

"Brother Meng, what are you waiting for?! Let's go!" He was already several meters away from Meng Li, running at top speed. Meng Li smiled and also started heading back. He wasn't exactly hurried - he knew that it was still going to take several hours, and he wasn't worried he'd miss it. He maintained his speed and reached the city in less than ten minutes. He noticed that the city guards were chatting with each other about something and only glanced at him quickly. He overheard a snippet of their conversation while walking by them.

"What was that guy rushing for? I couldn't even see his face, that's how fast he was."

"From the basket, he seemed to be a herb gatherer. He was quite young, too. Maybe his wife is giving birth?"

"Maybe, maybe... Or he found a rare herb and wants to trade it as soon as possible?"

"Ohh, that could be the case..."

It was really funny how accurate their guesses were. Meng Li smiled and continued on his way. He reached Ye Jin's house soon. He realised that on the floor was another trail of mud apart from the one left by Auntie Wang. By the door to the bedroom, he could see a half full herb basket and a small herb knife throw haphazardly on the floor. Ye Jin couldn't be bothered to return them as he was so hurried - he would have to explain himself to the manager in the Zu Family shop.

Meng Li didn't intrude on the family moment and instead chose to wait. He didn't have to wait long - for him. It was actually at least two hours before the doors opened. It was Ye Jin, carrying a small baby in his hands. Meng Li had heard a small burst of crying in the room previously - from his scarce knowledge about childbirth, he knew that people used to wait for crying to check if the baby was breathing. If the baby was crying loudly, it meant that it was healthy and strong, and a lack of crying could indicate problems with breathing. However, in this case, the lack of crying was merely because the baby itself simply didn't want to - it had the soul of someone inside of it.

As Ye Jin opened the door, his face was covered in tears, but he showed a huge smile. Those were tears of joy. The tiny newborn was packaged in several layers of clothes, with only a tiny face sticking out. Meng Li couldn't help but smile and wave at the tiny baby. Even if he knew that it wasn't really a baby, it was hard not to do so with how cute the baby was. The baby didn't show any change in expression, still staring at everything with a blank face.

"Congratulations brother Ye, it seems the baby is healthy. It's just weird that it's not crying..." Meng Li congratulated with a smile.

"Thank you brother... Thank you for calling Auntie Wang for my wife too. I, Ye Jin, owe you for this." Ye Jin would've cupped his hands if he wasn't holding the tiny baby.

"Ah, don't say that brother Ye, don't you consider me your brother?" Meng Li hurriedly returned a bow. "By the way, what will you name him?" Meng Li asked.

"He shall be named Ye Jian." Ye Jin replied, looking at the baby with love. What he couldn't see was that the baby's small eyes changed imperceptibly as it heard the name. The change disappeared in a split second, returning to the previous lively, curious stare.

Meng Li was glad that he finally had a name he could use to address the reincarnated soul. Ye Jian - it was a good name.