New abilities #1

In the middle of the night I go to an abandoned gas station and try to think of some thing that could help me get to Miami. "Teleportation maybe?" I say aloud. "Finally" she says. "Well how do I do that?" I ask. "Just focus" she says. "Okay, focus on what?" I ask. "Where you want to go" she answers. I focus on going right outside. I start to slow my breathing, and then I feel something in front of me. I reach out, and then the building starts you shake. I grab the thing and break it. "Great job, for a first try" she says. I look around and see my self a block away from where I wanted to go. I run back to the gas station and see it in ruins. "What happened here?" I ask. "You happened, now get out of here" she says. I run home and reflect on what happened that night.