Chapter 8 My sister wants to drink again

After she become drunk, Xiao Hanrui fall back in the arms of her brother. As he caressed the hair of his sister, Tang Baobao thought that his sister was very weird today, maybe the pressure of running a big company caused her too much stress

Xiao Hanrui fall back in her brother's arm as he became drunk. Tang BaoBao caressed his sister's hair, thinking she was too weird today. Maybe the pressure of running a big company was too much and she needed a release.

He paid the money before carrying up in his arms. It was his first time carrying his sister like this. As he looked at this sister's stunning face and soft lips, he gulped.

Tang Baobao admonished himself, how can I think about that, I am an animal, I wan to kiss my sister, how can I even think about such an evil thought. I need to remove this thought from my brain.

He took the car key from his sister's bag before unlocking the car. He found that his sister is in a situation where she would vomit soon.

He immediately took her close to the side of a tree.

"I told you not to drink so much, how will you have a meeting tomorrow?" Tang BaoBao reprimanded.

Xiao Hanrui turned around after vomiting but could not stand still. Her petite body fell backwards. Fortunately, BaoBao was quickly able to grab her.

As she lay in her brother's arms, Xiao Hanrui smiled "My brother has grown up, he knows how to reprimand his sister."

"You need to sleep early." Tang Baobao knew he could only bully her when she was drunk, at any other time, he would be bullied.

"I want to have fun, I want to drink."

"Come on go inside the car." Tang BaoBao opened the door before pushing her inside.

Xiao Hanrui struggled and shouted "I don't want to go, I don't want to go, I want to drink."

"We can go back home and then you can drink."

"Really." Xiao Hanrui asked in her drunken state


"Tang Baobao you are so good, come let sister reward you with a kiss."

"Forget it, I don't want to eat your saliva."

"BaoBao, you may dislike kissing your sister, but let me tell you, your sister's lips are super soft.

Tang Baobao fastened his seat and sighed. How could her sister become like this, she is a cold woman, although she is at times mischievous, she has never been like today.

Gradually the shouting in the back seat subsided and Tang BaoBao was relieved to find his sister sleeping.

Luxury cars are just as awesome as they say. [1] Tang BaoBao wondered when he could buy such a car. 'Now I have a salary of 15000 yuan. If I do not spend money, then I will save 180000 in 1 year, so 1.8 million in 10 years which will be close to its buying price.'

Ha Ha Ha!

After parking the car in the underground garage, Tang BaoBao went to pick up his sister who had drunk and fainted, he found out that her bra had slipped exposing her 36D breasts.

OH my God! I am so evil! Don't think about it! Don't think about it!


Suddenly, Xiao Hanrui screamed

"Sister, we will reach home soon."



"If I cannot find a man, how about I marry you?"

Tang BaoBao thought 'You are treating me like a spare tyre. You truly do not have any conscience.'

"If you do not find a girlfriend, you can marry me."

Oh my God! You are simply looking on me, how can you say that I will not find a girlfriend, the time is not yet right for me to find one.

Soon, he heard the sound of uniform breathing. Tang BaoBao shook his head with a bitter smile thinking, that people do blabber nonsense like a fool after drinking.

After opening the door, he saw his parents watching a detective film. His father in fact was accompanying his mother, who liked to watch such movies. She usually finds out the culprit before the ending of the movie. Thus, Tang Baobao does not watch these films with his mother.

"Baobao, why have you come back so early?" Luo Bai was not pleased. She did not expect his son to come back tonight. She looked at Xiao Hanrui before exclaiming

"What happened to Ruirui?"

"Drunk." Tang BaoBao was looking weak and gasping for breath, his sister was too slim, thus he had to pay a lot of attention when he carried her over his back.

Tang Cheng laughed and said nothing while Luo Bai glared at her son saying "Why did you let Ruirui get drunk?

What if there was a bad guy? How could you have been so stupid?"

"What is there to worry? I could fight ten of them."

"With your weak physique, your dad could knock you down."

Tang BaoBao "…."

"Why are you standing now? Put your sister in the bed. Old Tang, go boil water, I will wipe her body"

Tang BaoBao gently put his sister on the bed and covered the quilt. As he focused his attention on her hair, he noticed it to be very beautiful.

"What are you looking at? This is due to your fault! Luo Bai held the hot water container and walked in. She was too disappointed seeing that he had no courage. The girl was dead drunk and he still did not make a move on her.

Tang BaoBao frowned, he did not know what his feeling for his sister were, he was too depressed thinking about today.

"Wait, tell me how was your date with Xiao Song[2]"

'It was ok"

"My son!" Luo Bai knew that when her son said it was ok, meant that the date was a failure.

"Go take a bath and sleep."

Tang BaoBao went to the living room, sat on the sofa and poured a cup of tea brewed by his father for himself.

"People will only cherish or regret something when they have lost it." Tang Cheng took a sip before commenting.

"Dad, I am drinking tea now..."

"Whatever you want."

Tang Baobao was helpless, his father who is usually his comrade-in-arms, has turned his back on him. His sister was like a relative to him. If he really married his sister, he would feel guilty.

After taking a shower, Tang BaoBao was on the bed while setting the air conditioner to 16 degrees. The weather was so hot, maybe he could try doing that…. Forget it, I am a normal person. [3]

He took out the phone when he got an alert message.

As Tang Baobao curiously opened his WeChat, he discovered that the scammer Mu Kexin actually transferred money to him. Was she really a liar? It seemed like his luck for today was not completely bad.

When he opened the message of money transfer, he was shocked to see that he had received 1000 yuan.

Tang BaoBao's eyes became dignified, feeling there was definitely a scam here. Did she think she could catch a big fish? Ha Ha Ha!

Immediately he transferred 900 yuan, he was not greedy, he was happy as long as he received the money he gave.

The Ziyuan Community of Haigang City was a gathering place for celebrities. The cost of housing in the neighbourhood was not affordable for the average person. Mu Kexin lived here, she had spent half of her family belongings to buy it. She was resting herself after her hard work during the day.

At this time, Mu Kexin had just come out of the shower, dressed in light silk pyjamas. She rubbed her hair with a towel and picked up her phone from the sofa. Just as she was about to look at Weibo, she saw a red dot in her WeChat, thus she opened it.

"This guy must have had a short-circuit, he returned the money." Mu Kexin put the towel aside thinking that she wanted to scold this guy.

On the other side, Tang Baobao had turned off the lights and was going to sleep. Saturday had finished, there was another day off tomorrow, before going to work on Monday.

[1] A literal translation will be" Luxury car is really luxury car." This is just for emphasis. Most Indian Hindi/Urdu or Pakistani Urdu speakers will understand. Such emphasis is generally not part of English. While translating, I did not know how to make readers appreciate the beauty of this sentence thus I am writing this note.

[2] Intimate way of calling younger generation/ younger siblings

[3] For casual readers, this sentence might cause some confusion. Tang BaoBao was described to have powers in the preceding chapters. So he could technically lower the temperature of the room.