Chapter 15 Two Mermaids

Chapter 15 Two Mermaids

"Baobao, take us home." Xiao Hanrui was drunk and fell on the table after saying that.

Ping Luoling looked at Tang Baobao and said softly, "Baobao, older sister is handing herself to you, don't allow anyone else to touch me."

After saying that she directly fell in Tang Baobao's arms. Tang Baobao was frightened to hold her and took a few steps back to avoid her but quickly held her again when she had almost fallen on the ground.

Tang Baobao thought to himself that although he had hugged his sister, he had never hugged any other woman in his life. However, he was now holding someone else for the first time, he was feeling a myriad of emotions right now ranging from excitement to nervousness, and embarrassment. His legs had also become soft.

'I am sorry! I am sorry! This is absolutely an accident. I swear that I did not want to hold you, this is absolutely an accident.'

As he looked at his old sister and new sister, he wondered how they could be so beautiful yet now they were lying down drunk and defenseless. If a bad guy comes across them now, he would have no trouble in taking the two mermaids to his bed. Fortunately, I am here!

Tang Baobao first paid the bill in the counter before going back to the private room. He wanted to hold both of them together shouldering one on his left side and the other on his right side. However, he soon discovered he could not move them at all, they were behaving like corpses.

With no other option, Tang Baobao could only pick up his sister like a princess and enjoy the feeling of being so intimate with her.

The sky had darkened and it was 8 pm when Tang Baobao was admiring the two woman.

The men who were eating in the restaurant saw Tang Baobao carrying a beautiful woman in his Polo and their eyes widened with surprise. Oh my God! They exclaimed and lamented at God's fairness when they saw his car, had it been one from the BMW series they would have understood why the woman went to his car! But now why did she go?

As he came back inside the restaurant, the male customers got puzzled. However, their surprise turned into shock when they saw him carrying another beautiful woman, this time it looked like their eyes would fall off on the ground thanks to the shock they experienced.

This man actually picked up two drunk woman, they could not bear it and were burning with jealousy. In any case, how could such a situation arise in a shrimp restaurant, this scenario should be taking place in front of a bar!

As Tang Baobao got inside his car and fastened his seat belt, he recalled that he had just carried Ping Luoling and was feeling embarrassed about it.

Ping Luoling's body was soft and fragrant unlike his sister's which was relatively hard and muscular due to constant exercise.

As he started the car, Tang Baobao decided that he needed to deliver his sister to his home first, after all the restaurant was quite close to his home. But he was unsure of what to do with his Ling sister, where should he drop her off? He could not wait for her to come to her sentences and book her a hotel room. Given that she is his sister's best friend, could he take her to his home? I will think about it later.

Let me return quickly, otherwise mother will think that I am going to return with her daughter-in-law to the house.

Along the way, Tang Baobao drove the car slowly and steadily like an old man driving the car. Don't be under any misconception. Tang Baobao only drove this way so that the two beautiful woman in the back of his car do not vomit inside it.

Tang Baobao parked the car in the garage and got off the car. He started stretching in order to avoid spraining his wrist. As it was an old fashioned community, there was no elevator in the building. He had already carried his sister once yesterday and his arms were sour by the time he reached his flat on the fifth floor, which fortunately was not too high.

'It seems like I need to save some money to buy an elevator so that my parents do not tire out while climbing the stairs.'

As he carried his sister out from the car, Tang Baobao got excited holding his sister in his arms. He shook his head to clear the dirty thoughts in his mind.

"Baobao, is your sister drunk again?" Aunt Feng was laughing and coming towards him. It looked like this was not the first time she had seen Tang Baobao carry his sister home when she was drunk.

"Aunti Fang it will hard to explain everything in a few words[1]." Tang Baobao had a helpless expression on his face and it looked like he was asking for a beating! How many man wish that they were facing the same trouble as him?

Aunt Feng looked at the car and gave out a cry in surprise, "Baobao, this time you got the offer of buy one get one free."

"Aunt Feng, don't joke, this is my sister's best friend."

"Baby! Aunt Feng is an experienced person. These friend of your sister will hang out with you a few times and eventually will become your girlfriend. This girl is really pretty. Baobao, you truly have good fortune." Aung Feng intentionally sized her up before exclaiming in admiration of the beauty of Ping Luoling.

"Aunt Feng, I won't argue with you, I am having difficulty in holding her in my arms."

"Baobao, you have to exercise more, other boys at your age are much more muscular."


After exhausting himself, Tang Baobao finally reached the fifth floor holding his sister in his arms. He opened the door and shouted, "Dad, mom, come quickly and help me hold sister who is drunk."

His parents, the Old Emperor and Empress Dowager were watching a detective drama film as usual.

"Baobao, why have you got your sister drunk again? Oh dear, quickly carry her inside the room." Luo Bai glared at her son and helped him share the burden of carrying Hanrui inside the room. Tang Baobao did not refute his mother, he was already used to the same routine of being blamed for his sister over and over again.

Just as he laid her on the bed, he quickly dashed out of the house.

"Baobao, where are you going?"

"I will come back and explain."

Tang Baobao was panting and felt that he really should train himself, men needed to have strong and flexible arms to unlock many postures in bed.

As he opened the door of the car and looked at the unconscious Ping Luoling, he understood he had to bend inside the car to reach her. Tang Baobao drilled inside the car but his butt was exposed outside. The wriggling butt gave off the impression that he was doing shameful acts inside the car.

"Sister… Sister…..Sister…wake up….where do you live?" Tang Baobao shook Ping Luoling.

"Don't wake me! Let me sleep!"[2]

'Now what should I do? Should I take her home or leave her at a hotel? I won't be at ease if I leave her inside a hotel, it will be much better security wise if I just take her home.

Taking a deep breath, Tang Baobao quickly held her and took her out from the interior of the car.

Unexpectedly, Ping Luoling in his arms did not follow the routine. Her softs arm unexpectedly wrapped itself around Tang Baobao's neck, and her head rested on his chin like a docile kitten.

If only my sister was well-behaved like this! However, this is indeed impossible in my lifetime.

Tang Baobao climbed up the fifth floor on the verge of exhaustion, he shouted "Dad, mom, come over quickly there is another one here."

Luo Bai, who was taking care of Xiao Hanxuan, hurriedly ran out and saw a girl in her son's arms. Seeing the girl hug her son so intimately, there was a blooming smile on her face.

"Never mind, hold her for some time, mom has never seen you embrace another girl apart from your sister. Old Tang, quickly bring me my mobile phone. I need to take a picture of this scene to keep it as a souvenir.

Tang Cheng: "..."

Tang Baobao: "..."

Tang Baobao stood stupefied and watched as his father turned traitor and his mother took a picture of him with a pleased expression from her mobile phone. He was feeling bitter but did not speak a word.

"Why are you standing there like a doll? Quickly put my daughter-in-law on your bed" Luo Bai urged him, "This daughter-in-law is really beautiful, watching her puts my heart at ease."

"Put her in my bed?" Tang Baobao exclaimed in surprise.

"Nonsense! Could it be that you want to place her in the sofa?"

Tang Baobao was indeed thinking of doing exactly that the entire time given both of them were unmarried.

"Baobao, Hurry up! Have you not held her in your arms enough?" Tang Cheng was also in the mood of making fun of him.

Under the oppression of Old Emperor and Empress Dowager, Tang Baobao tried to place her on his bed, however, the other party refused to let go of him making him embarrassed.

"Baobao, when is she going to release you? Are you guys always so sweet?" Luo Bai was getting more and more excited, this lovey-dovey act made it really look like they were in sync and could not be explained in a few words.


[1] hard to explain in a few words (idiom); complicated and not easy to express succinctly

[2] Ying Ying can be used to denote many instances. It generally is used for indicating crying to induce pity. Although it can be used to denote anger, sadness, happiness and other variety of emotions. Here the expression is used to show that Ping Luoling is asleep and is showing her annoyance when he tries to wake her up. No English equivalent can be used, so I am using the word I use when my mother tries to wake me up. I have used it as a note beforehand as well but it was much shorter than this one.