Luxury Camping

At some point, Rio and I fell asleep. When I woke up I had no idea how many hours had passed. Rio was still sleeping peacefully in my arms. I thought back to how we were able to escape such a dire situation. If I did not have creation and destruction magic we could have been dead. After pushing such bad thoughts out of my head, I let out a long sigh as I closed my eyes and rested.

It was not until a while later that Rio finally stirred. She blinked and sleepily looked around her surroundings. She seemed to be confused about where she was but from what I could tell it was just because she was still half asleep.

"Good morning Rio." I said as I kissed the top of her head.

Rio looked up at me, gave me a bright smile, and then kissed my cheek. "Good morning Sora!"

"Once you are a little more awake I will get us out of here. When we get out I will setup a fire so we can eat something." We did not get to eat before we fell asleep. In such a small space it was not a good idea anyways. Fire consumes oxygen and we need oxygen to breathe. I'm sure the right choice in this matter is obvious.

"Un… It's okay I'm awake, let's get out of here." Rio rubbed her eyes and got up. After stretching for a bit she started making herself busy checking our supplies.

It actually took us a bit to get out of the hole. The main reason was that the sled was really heavy and hard to pull up such a steep incline. Not to mention when we reached the surface we were hit was intense heat. This was when I found something new about this planet. This world had two suns. I never noticed it before because the second sun was only out for a very short time in the early morning. This made the hottest part of the day in the early morning hours. This was not the only thing surprising either. This world also had seven moons. Four of which could only be seen in the early morning as well, on this side of the planet. One could be seen around noontime and the last two were seen at night. To me, this was all fantasy-like because well, earth only had one of everything. Pretty boring right?

After a bite to eat we finally set back out on our journey. We were being extra vigilant after the encounter with the demonic beasts horde. Although Rio did say that it was less likely to run into such a horde after one had passed, it was still better to be safe than sorry. We walked a whole day under the hot sun , the sand beating against us. As the sun started to set We decided to set up camp for the night.

To be safe I did the same as I did when the beast horde came and made a large hole for us to sleep in. This time though since I was not in a rush I was able to make it a little grander. And when I say grand I mean grand. I took an hour to make a full bedroom with separate rooms with sliding doors for a bathroom, a shower room, and a small room for a kitchen.

The bathroom was nothing more than a hole in a bench seat I made. The hole went very deep. I don't even know how deep it went I was just trying to make it so that we could keep some of the smell away just in case. So I ended up going a little overboard. The shower room had a small drain with another deep hole. This shower room would not work without me though since I was the one who would be producing the water. But I did get a little bit inventive and created a stone shower head and a stone bucket with a pull valve that connected all together. I only had to fill it up and we would be able to have enough time to clean ourselves. At least it was better than nothing right? I mean after walking through the desert on a hot day you start to sweat and stink! I cant stink!

The kitchen was just a counter with a hole to start a fire. I created a vent that went to the surface in order to allow the smoke a place to go. I also created many ventilation shafts within the kitchen area. On the surface, I created a few chimneys to keep as much sand as possible from falling in.

The main room or bed room was just a rock formed into the shape of a bed. We did bring a lot of blankets since the nights do get cold on Cora. At least being underground the temperature was not as bad as the surface. But with the extra blankets, we had a makeshift mattress to sleep on. All in all it was not bad. I think for an hours worth of work it turned out quite good.

"Sora, this is my first time going to ruins where I was able to camp out in such conditions. Magic sure is convenient." Rio was looking around wide eyed in amazement as she was drying her hair. The two of us had a quick shower to get the sweat off.

Rio was right though, magic was very convenient. Without it, we would be stuck taking turns to keep watch while the other slept. Rio said she had gone many nights without sleep while venturing out to ruins. I, myself have no idea how she did it. I know I would end up falling asleep. Whether or not I would wake up the next morning or wake up to find myself some demonic beast's dinner did scare me though.

After dinner, Rio and I went to bed early. Well, we were supposed to but somehow Rio ended up between my legs eating my pussy. She seemed to be trying to make up for the night before's no sex because she was sucking on my clit so hard. I thought she was going to suck it right down her throat! Don't get me wrong it felt really good! It was not long before she brought me to have an orgasm. After cleaning me up making sure she did not miss a drop of my nectar I pulled Rio up over to me and made her sit on my face so that I could taste her pussy. Rio did taste very sweet.