My First Date! Part One

Hearing Tai's question caused me to blush. I must have looked like a foreigner when they visited a new country for the first time. Tai saw my blushed face and giggled as she pulled me along. 

"You could say I have never been to Ictoras before." I said finally to answer her question.

"Oh? Where are you from if I may ask?" Tai asked, her voice a little unsure if she should have asked such a question. 

I smiled at her and said: "Let's just say I'm two days away from here. Where I'm originally from I will keep a secret for now..."

Tai started to get flustered as she stopped and looked at me before bowing her head. "I'm sorry! I should not have asked such a question!" 

"No! No! It's fine. Really... To be honest I was happy that you asked me. I actually would like to get to know you more as well. It's just that right now I promised Rio that I would keep certain things a secret for now..." I was kinda going nuts. It was hard to explain. I couldn't just come out and say: "Hey I'm an alien from another world! Become one of my wives and have sex with me!" Right? Well, I could but I would probably end up on a most wanted list in Ictoras and hunted down. Or I would end up in some jail cell where they lock up all the crazy people.

As I was saying this I noticed that Tai's ears were dropping, her tail was going slack and her face had become a little downcast. Seeing that look  caused me to panic even more. Not even thinking I pulled her hand towards me, causing her to fall into my embrace and gave her a hug. That sad look she had just shown me was too much for me to bear. Such a cute girl should never make such a sad face! My actions startled Tai at first but she did not resist me and allowed me to hug her. She rested her cheek on my shoulder as I held her in my arms.

Speaking softly I whispered into her ear. "Give me time. When we get to know each other more I will tell you all about me. So today, let's just have a full day of fun. Just the two of us and maybe tomorrow if you are not sick of me, we can do something else as well? How does that sound?"

Tai, put her arms around my waist giving me a hug as she nodded her head. She then looked up at me and smiled her ears had perked back up and so did her tail. Seeing such a cute girl smiling at me so brightly made me want to kiss her right then and there but I held back. I knew I couldn't rush things. But I still couldn't stop myself from pushing a bit of her loose hair behind her ear for her. This action made Tai blush as she closed her eyes and smiled sweetly. After a few more minutes  we finally continued to walk hand in hand towards the breakfast place. 

It took another ten minutes to reach the breakfast place. The place was called the Sunrise Cafe and it seemed to be pretty popular. Many people were coming and going. Tai and I walked in and was greeted by a hostess. "Table for two?" The hostess seemed to be from a rabbit race. 

She had big long ears the stuck straight up and a round fluffy tail resting just above her cute little behind. I had to restrain myself from looking too much so that I did not cause Tai to get upset. I did feel a lot of eyes on us though, which made me feel a bit uncomfortable. I could only do my best to ignore it all as I nodded my head saying: "Yes please."  

"Booth or private room?" The hostess asked.

"Private room please." The hostess nodded and brought us to the back of the restaurant where the private rooms were located. 

The room itself was not too big but not too small either. You could probably fit at least four people in one room. The seats were padded bench seats that were big enough to allow two people to sit down. Between them was, of course, the table. I sat down first and slid in a bit, but to my surprise instead of sitting on the other side, Tai sat directly next to me. It did not bother me but it did surprise me a little since normally if it was just two people they would sit across from each other.

When Tai sat down she gently scooted over until our shoulders were touching.  Seeing this the hostess smiled and only handed us one menu. I blushed slightly as I received the menu. The hostess just smiled and said to ring the bell when we were ready before bowing and leaving the room. Tai intertwined her arm with mine as she rested her head on my shoulder as we sat there looking at the menu. 

I looked down at her out of the corner of my eye to see her cute face looking at the menu. She had a gentle smile on her face that made her look even cuter. She must have felt me looking at her because Tai looked up at me. Our eyes met as we sat there and looked at each other. I put the menu down and reached my hand over and carressed Tai's cheek. She blushed slightly but did not move away. I lowered my head towards hers. She closed her eyes and tilted her head. It was then that our lips met for the first time...